
SMI lunchtime webinar series

Erosion and Sediment Control

21 April 2020 12:30pm1:30pm
Associate Professor Claire Côte, Director of SMI's Centre for Water in the Mineral Industry (CWiMI) discusses her work in Erosion and Sediment Control.
Professor Rick Valenta

Webinar: Complex Orebodies Program Update

17 April 2020 9:00am10:00am
The Complex Orebodies Program is now into its third year of operation. This presentation will cover progress to date on the program, showcasing a range of the exciting projects, outputs, impacts and collaborations which have resulted so far.
Professor Anna Littleboy

Webinar: A Cooperative Research Centre for Transformations in Mining Economies: So what?

3 April 2020 9:00am10:00am
In March 2020 the Federal Government announced a new $130 million Cooperative Research Centre on Transformations in Mining Economies (CRC TiME). The University of Queensland, through the Sustainable Minerals Institute, led the development of this cooperative research centre in partnership with The University of Western Australia.
This presentation will outline: the basic components of CRC TiME; the game changing value proposition which positions the mining industry as an agent of regional development; and the unique partnership that has drawn in mining companies, technology and service suppliers, state and local governments and groups representative of regional and community interests.
Henry Kurth

Webinar: On-belt bulk analysis - latest applications and development

27 March 2020 9:00am10:00am
Real time measurement is essential for improved plant control. Bulk ore sorting is automated grade control between the mine and mill and sensing data can be used concurrently for multiple purposes (ore blending, diversion, reconciliation, metal accounting, feed forward control, etc).
Mehdi Azadi

Webinar: Climate change mitigation in mining

20 March 2020 9:00am10:00am
Climate change accountability plays a critical role in ensuring the security of the future of minerals supply. Mining has an important position in enabling our modern lifestyle and the development of infrastructure for green technologies; and, therefore, it is important to acknowledge and point out the risk of climate change on mining infrastructure. A comprehensive carbon accounting framework, that takes into consideration all mitigation opportunities, is required to implement climate change mitigation strategies within mining supply chain.
Jonathan Loraine

Trials, tribulations and occasional successes of commercialising innovative mineral processing technologies

13 March 2020 9:00am10:00am
There are a host of non-technical issues that need to be addressed in order to successfully commercialise technology in the resources industry. Today we will talk about a range of actions which can greatly assist your technology to be implemented in industry.
