Spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater recharge in a small island (Norfolk Island, Australia)

Paula focuses in hydrological modelling and recharge estimation

Paula’s research seeks to understand recharge processes and quantify spatially-averaged, spatially-distributed and transient groundwater recharge in a small island, using Norfolk Island as a case study. The project has three main components: (i) quantifying chloride atmospheric inputs and streamflow outputs to estimate recharge based on the saturated chloride mass balance (CMB) method; understand chloride distribution in soil profiles to understand recharge response to climatic variations based on the unsaturated CMB; and, (iii) use numerical methods to model groundwater recharge, which will be validated with field-based estimations.


Paula holds an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Federal Fluminense Institute, Brazil.  As an undergraduate student, Paula worked as a research assistant, studying water quality and environmental impacts in Macabu River Basin, Brazil. She volunteered in several environmental organizations including Felidae Conservation Fund (USA), Gecko Environmental Council (Australia) and Acu Lagoon State Park (Brazil). 


Research Training Program Scholarship 


Professor Neil McIntyreDr Carlos Miraldo Ordens & Dr Liliana Pagliero