2017 July Graduation

27 Jul 2017
From back, left to right: Raijeli Taga, Chris Gonzales,
Second row, left to right: Fiona Martin, Jocelyn Quinteros, Kwasi Ampofo
Front left ot right:  Mirza Huda, Kate Tungpalan, Riza Mariano, Ashleigh Collins, Vannie Resabal

SMI recently had 24 students graduate with their doctoral degrees. 

The students studied through all 6 of SMI's centres, with projects ranging from best practice jobs decision-making to investigating textural drivers for separation performance in a variable and complex ore body.

SMI's purpose is to develop game-changing graduates by working with our partners to co-create solutions to the big challenges facing the sector.

Check out the gallery below for all the pictures from the graduation.


SMI 2017 Graduates

Students Name

Thesis Title

Raijeli Taga

Development of in-vitro methods to predict bioavailability of arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in mine wastes for human health risk assessment

Christopher Gonzales

The potential use of mine wastes as cover materials in a water-shedding cover configuration as applied in a seasonally wet but arid environment setting

Radjali Amin

The Response of Tropical Wetlands to the Geochemical Conditions of Discharged Water from Nickel Laterite Mines

Kathleen Cedeno

Understanding the Potential Effects of Mining on Water Quality in the Altayan and Taplan Catchments, Philippines

Devanmini Halwatura

Implementation of Meteorological Design Droughts in Ecosystem Rehabilitation Plans: applicability of meteorological drought indices

Fiona Martin

Towards best practice jobs decision-making: institutionalising fuller consideration of the social context in resource projects

Ceit Wilson

Steering Social Impact Outcomes in Extractive Resource Regions: A Comparative Case Study of Private Meta-governance in Australia and the United States

Mirza Sadaqat Huda

Transnational Energy Projects as Mechanisms of Regional Cooperation in South Asia: Addressing Political, Security and Environmental Challenges

Angela Werner

Environmentally-related health impacts of coal seam gas development: An impact assessment approach in Queensland, Australia

Callum McDonald

Efficient Exploration of Large State Space: Applications in Graph Compression

Kwasi Ampofo

Reasons why Real Options Analysis (ROA) is not widely adopted in the mineral industry

Pablo Gandara

Ramping up under high stress conditions using a conventional panel caving: a case study

Ashleigh Collins

Classification of multi- component feeds in a hydrocyclone

Jocelyn Quinteros

Improved process development for complex silver ores through systematic advanced mineral characterisation

Vannie Resabal

Investigation of the Breakage Mechanism in Stirred Mills and its Influence on the Mineral Liberation

Gregory Wilkie

Assessing the sorting potential of mineral sulphide ores

Joseph John

Differential oxidation of iron sulphides to modify the AU: S ratio in the flotation concentrate product at lihir

Lei Wang

Entrainment of Fine Particles in Froth Flotation

Riza Mariano

Measurement and Modelling of the Liberation and Distribution of Minerals in Comminuted Ores

Fatemeh Saeidi

New Approach for Characterising a Breakage Event as a Multi-stage Process

Francois Vos

The effect of mineral grain textures at particle surfaces on flotation response

Muhammad Rasyid

Investigation of Semi-Inverted Hydrocyclone with Novel Design

Baris Yildirim

Development of a correlation between mineralogy, rock strength measures, and breakage of Copper Porphyries

Kate Tungpalan

Investigating textural drivers for separation performance in a variable and complex ore body
