The Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) is very pleased to announce that it has recently been awarded a grant of $39,985 to support establishing a Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Mining in Bogota by the Australian Government through the Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Centre of Excellence will be established in Bogota Colombia as a joint venture between SMI, the Universidad de los Andes and the Colombian Government with an initial focus on completion of priority projects based on the major issues facing the Colombian mining industry – safety, water, subsidence and organisational challenges.
Professor Neil McIntyre, who is leading the SMI effort, said “We are very pleased that COALAR has recognised the potential of the Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Mining and grateful for the support provided by the Australian Government, the Colombian Embassy in Australia, the University of Queensland and the Universidad de los Andes. This is a very exciting initiative and I can speak on behalf of all researchers involved that we look forward to establishing long and productive links between our respective research groups.”
The COALAR grant will be used to fund travel and associated expenses for key project staff to undertake leading roles in the research and planning activities and for Professor McIntyre, as SMI project leader, to deliver a keynote presentation to an industry conference focussing on the initiative and benefits to the Colombian mining industry.