Centre for Mined  Land Rehabilitation

The Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation (CMLR) improves mine rehabilitation and closure outcomes by addressing the environmental challenges of the minerals industry that result from resource exploration, extraction and processing.

It does this by developing sustainable and resilient ecosystems on mining waste streams, constructed landforms and other post-mining environments.

The Centre delivers impact by providing the research, education, knowledge and capacity-building that people need to maximise the opportunities, minimise the risks, and enhance the environment (and its communities’) condition.

Its critical research focus areas are:

  • biodiversity and ecosystems
  • ecological engineering of ‘technosols’ from mine wastes
  • bio-chemical engineering of tailings and mine wastes for pollution control and sustainable rehabilitation
  • developing biotechnological solutions.

CMLR is a source of quality research at the cutting edge of issues in mining environmental management and sustainability, across the full spectrum of resource commodities.

Established in 1993, it consists of a collaborative, multidisciplinary group of research, teaching and support staff; and postgraduate students. When the Sustainable Minerals Institute was established in 2001, the Centre was brought under the SMI umbrella.

The team in CMLR have skills in remote sensing, plant biology and ecology, biogeochemistry, ecological engineering, chemical engineering and soil biology.

CMLR is proud to deliver excellence in environmental research, education and awareness to:

  • the national and international minerals industry
  • relevant state and federal government departments
  • non-government organisations
  • local communities.

General Enquiries

Phone: +61 7 3443 4307
Email: smi.admin@uq.edu.au

Address & Location

Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)
Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation (CMLR)
Level 5, Sir James Foots Building (47A)
Cnr College & Staff House Rds
The University of Queensland
St Lucia  Qld  4072

How to Find Us

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