Speaker:  Dr Artem Golev

Abstract: Sand is one of the world’s most exploited natural resources and its extraction from rivers and nearshore environments poses a sustainability problem that will only get worse. At the same time, the world’s largest stream of waste – mineral waste from the mining of metal ores – might provide a solution to this challenge with the majority often comprised of sand-like materials. Separating and repurposing these sand-like materials (before they are added to the waste stream) would not only significantly reduce the volume of waste being generated but could also create a responsible source of sand. The aim of this presentation is to overview global opportunities with ore-sands, and present the findings from a 12-month project, using Vale sand (a by-product from iron ore mining in Brazil) as a case-study.

Bio: Dr Artem Golev has a multidisciplinary background in Economics, Engineering and Environmental Science, and 20 years’ experience in the minerals industry and academia. Throughout his career, he has been investigating various technical and non-technical aspects of Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy. In particular, in relation to mining, industrial, and urban waste reuse, reprocessing, and recycling, also in conjunction with mined land rehabilitation and broader issues of sustainability. Artem is currently part of the Development Minerals Group at SMI.

About JKMRC Friday Seminars 2022

Welcome to the 2022 Series of the JKMRC Friday Seminars.  The list of presentations will aim to cover a range of topics related to the minerals sector from decision making in exploration, new mineral processing technologies, social licence to operate and mine closure.

The JKMRC Friday Seminars will be presented both in person, at the Indooroopilly Mine Site Lecture Theatre, and also as webinar.  Registration for the webinar is required and can be made via the registration link in each seminar overview.

A large number of past webinars can be accessed on the SMI website: https://smi.uq.edu.au/webinars

Previous seminars have been uploaded to YouTube via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/user/smiuq

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