A new general flowsheet-based simulation system in Excel (ExcelFlow)
Speaker: Dr Stephen Rayward, Principal, MIDAS Tech
Abstract: The new simulation system (ExcelFlow) is a general system for which mineral processing is simply one type of application. The system is designed for any Excel process that can be described by a flowsheet/flowchart. Although there are no immediately comparable systems, there already exist domain-based simulators in Excel. The most immediate interest in ExcelFlow is flotation simulation. ExcelFlow has been specifically designed so that mathematical modellers (in any subject area) can integrate their models into a simulation system rendering straightforward IP transfer. This seminar will focus on a general informal discussion about simulation, extensibility, flexible data structures and steps to make mathematical models easily accessible to users.
Bio: Dr Stephen Rayward (formerly Dr Stephen Gay) has had a varied career. His early career was: computer-based sail design, and development of algorithms in Operations research, Physical Oceanography and analysing both oceanographic and coastal. He then moved from the sea to the land and completed a PhD in Mineral Processing at JKMRC. In turn this led to a research position at JKMRC with Stephen’s passion being the application of liberation data to mineral processing. He was involved in a variety of research projects and commercial activities. From 2009 he has worked independently on a variety of contract positions, software development projects and providing courses.
About JKMRC Friday Seminars 2022
Welcome to the 2022 Series of the JKMRC Friday Seminars. The list of presentations will aim to cover a range of topics related to the minerals sector from decision making in exploration, new mineral processing technologies, social licence to operate and mine closure.
The JKMRC Friday Seminars will be presented both in person, at the Indooroopilly Mine Site Lecture Theatre, and also as webinar. Registration for the webinar is required and can be made via the registration link in each seminar overview.
A large number of past webinars can be accessed on the SMI website: https://smi.uq.edu.au/webinars
Previous seminars have been uploaded to YouTube via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/user/smiuq
If you would like to be included in our email invitation list:
40 Isles Road
Indooroopilly, Qld