A critical analysis of emission quantification methods in the ferrochrome industry
Speaker: Dr Kristy Nell, Research Fellow, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre
Abstract: Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions is becoming important as companies are committing towards decarbonisation. Using the prescribed methods (standard guidelines) for estimating GHG emissions is often an over-generalisation and commonly not the most accurate way to quantify these emissions. It is possible to achieve more accurate estimations by following a detailed approach, e.g. through the construction of mass balances (MBs).
Bio: Dr Kristy Nell (née Campbell) holds a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the North-West University (NWU), South Africa before continuing with postgrad studies at the CRCED (Centre for Research and Continued Engineering Development), NWU. Kristy's PhD focused on emission quantification in the ferrochrome industry. She worked as an engineer at ETA Operations for eight years gaining experience in government tax incentives and disincentives, energy savings quantification as well as energy and emissions budgeting and reporting. Industry exposure includes gold and platinum mines, ferrochrome smelters and oil and gas refineries. Kristy is a Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP). As a Research Fellow at JKMRC, Kristy will engage in carbon emission monitoring and quantification, and the evaluation of mitigation opportunities.
About JKMRC Friday Seminars 2023
Welcome to the 2023 Series of the JKMRC Friday Seminars. The list of presentations will aim to cover a range of topics related to the minerals sector from decision making in exploration, new mineral processing technologies, social licence to operate and mine closure.
The JKMRC Friday Seminars will be presented often in person, at the Indooroopilly Mine Site Lecture Theatre, and also as webinar. Registration for the webinar is required and can be made via the registration link in each seminar overview.
A large number of past webinars can be accessed on the SMI website: https://smi.uq.edu.au/webinars
Previous seminars have been uploaded to YouTube via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/user/smiuq
If you would like to be included in our email invitation list:
40 Isles Road
Indooroopilly. QLD