Pilot Comparison of Vertical Roller Milling vs SABC with a Hard Magnetite Ore
Speaker: Dean David, Senior Consultant, Wood
Abstract: Definitive closed circuit pilot tests, carried out a decade apart on the same sample of Southdown magnetite ore, revealed Vertical Roller Milling (VRM) to ~85 µm P80 to require only 60% of the power of a well operated SABC circuit. VRM is a technology sitting where SAG milling was in the 1980s. Wood now recommends to clients that VRM is included in our comminution tradeoff studies for projects suited to SAG and HPGR circuits.
Bio: Dean David was with JKTech for 8 years from 1996 to 2003 and was Manager of consulting for the last half of that time. Dean graduated with BAppSc Metallurgy from SAIT (now Uni of South Australia) in 1981 and worked with CRA/Rio Tinto at Broken Hill, on the WIM150 Mineral sands project, and at Argyle Diamonds for over 14 years. Dean left JKTech to become Process Manager at then GRD Minproc in Perth. 20 years later Dean still works with the same process team in Perth but now under the Banner of Wood, a global multi market engineering company.
This seminar will be presented by Webinar only
About JKMRC Friday Seminars 2023
Welcome to the 2023 Series of the JKMRC Friday Seminars. The list of presentations will aim to cover a range of topics related to the minerals sector from decision making in exploration, new mineral processing technologies, social licence to operate and mine closure.
The JKMRC Friday Seminars will be presented often in person, at the Indooroopilly Mine Site Lecture Theatre, and also as webinar. Registration for the webinar is required and can be made via the registration link in each seminar overview.
A large number of past webinars can be accessed on the SMI website: https://smi.uq.edu.au/webinars
Previous seminars have been uploaded to YouTube via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/user/smiuq
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