A microanalytical approach to magmas, volcanic eruptions, and energy-critical metals
Speaker: Dr Teresa Ubide
Abstract: High-resolution analysis of the rock record provides new insights into magmatic processes leading to volcanic eruptions and to the accumulation of energy-critical metals.
Bio: Dr Teresa Ubide is an Associate Professor in Igneous Petrology / Volcanology at The University of Queensland. She is an ARC Future Fellow and won the 2023 Anton Hales Medal (Australian Academy of Science). Teresa combines novel LA-ICP-MS approaches with detailed microscope observations to interrogate magmatic crystals and their carrier melts at elemental and isotope levels. Her research constrains magma transport and storage through the Earth’s upper mantle and crust, with a particular focus on the drivers of volcanic eruptions and the processes that lead to the accumulation of metals that are critical for the energy transition.
About JKMRC Friday Seminars 2024
Welcome to the 2024 Series of the JKMRC Friday Seminars. The list of presentations will aim to cover a range of topics related to the minerals sector from decision making in exploration, new mineral processing technologies, social licence to operate and mine closure.
The JKMRC Friday Seminars will be presented often in person, at the Indooroopilly Mine Site Lecture Theatre, and also as webinar. Registration for the webinar is required and can be made via the registration link in each seminar overview.
A large number of past webinars can be accessed on the SMI website: https://smi.uq.edu.au/webinars
Previous seminars have been uploaded to YouTube via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/user/smiuq
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Visit the JKMRC homepage
40 Isles Road
Indooroopilly QLD 4068