Transforming the Mine Lifecycle: A cross cutting plank in the SMI strategy
10 August 2018 9:00am–10:00am
JKMRC Friday Seminar
delivered by Professor Anna Littleboy, Program Leader: Mine Lifecycles / SMI
delivered by Professor Anna Littleboy, Program Leader: Mine Lifecycles / SMI
Anna’s presentation will explore the relationships between minerals and society in the 21st century and examine their influence on the mining process. The initiatives being pursued through the “Transforming the Mine Lifecycle” cross cutting program, to enable Australia’s research institutions to support the transitions that will be driven through the 21st century, will also be presented.
Anna recently joined the Sustainable Minerals Institute to lead one of its cross cutting programmes - “Transforming Mine Lifecycles”. Her appointment represents a partnership between SMI and Mining3 where she leads the development of a roadmap for “Sustainability through Technology”.
Anna is an experienced research manager having previously been Research Director for CSIRO’s Resources and Sustainability Research Programme. Originally a geochemist, her early career was spent in the lab and on site managing field programmes to characterise environmental risks from reactive contaminant transport. This catalysed an interest in the complex arena of multidisciplinary integration and its role in addressing long term sustainability risks around the minerals and energy resource sectors.
Anna has worked on influential initiatives at the interface where science informs policy for a globally connected world. She has managed large collaborative programmes for Federal and State Governments, Industry and global think-tanks. Anna is a Fellow of the Minerals Institute, a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a member of the Global Agenda Council on Responsible Minerals Development. She currently sits on the advisory board for METS Ignited and is a recipient of a CSIRO medal for Business Excellence.
Please note contact for this seminar is: Ben Bonfils Phone: +61 7 3346 5920
Indooroopilly Experimental Mine Site
40 Isles Road
40 Isles Road
Lecture Theatre