Speaker: Professor Rick Valenta, Director W.H. Bryan Mining & Geology Research Centre, Program Leader Complex Orebodies and Acting Director Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre

Queensland benefits from some of the world's most vibrant and productive mining research and development (R&D).  To support further innovation, the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy has released an industry-led analysis of the R&D priorities for minerals (excluding coal) in Queensland.  Based on interviews with industry, researchers and government staff, this analysis is an important step towards ensuring that Queensland continues to reap the rewards of its world-class natural resource endowment through innovation.

The R&D statement is a collaboration between UQ's Sustainable Minerals Institute, the Queensland Resources Council, Queensland Exploration Council and the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.

rick valentaBio: Rick leads research aimed at improving the discovery,  mining and processing of hydrothermal ore deposits.  His areas of focus include structural geology, geophysics and ore deposit geology, with an overall theme of better understanding the underlying processes which lead to the localisation and characteristics of these deposits.  Rick also has a strong focus on development of 4D mineral systems models from deposit to region scales, using these models to improve targeting techniques, better formulate geological and resource models, and inform prediction of mineral processing performance.

Rick is a Fellow of the AusIMM, a practising member of the Association of Professional Geologists of Ontario (APGO), a member of the Geological Society of Australia, the Society of Economic Geologists, the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and Chair of the Resarch Committee of the Queensland Exploration Council. He has over 20 years experience working in indsutry and maintains strong contacts with a number of mineral companies through his leadership role in the Northwest Mineral Province Discovery Initiative, supported by the Geological Survey of Queensland.  Rick is also involved in a number of collaborative industry projects.


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