Remediation of metal-rich mine-affected water with passive systems, testing the role of hyper-accumulator plants for improved efficiency
Thao graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering (2014) from Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (Vietnam). She completed her Master’s degree (2017) at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), majoring in Mining Engineering with the research topic of alternative approaches for tailing disposal of Potash mine.
Thao previously worked on the effect of land use pattern change on the rainfall-runoff and runoff-sediment in the river basin as an exchange student in water resources engineering.
Her research interests and backgrounds are water treatment, water resources and mine waste disposal.
UQ Research Training Scholarship
Associate Professor Claire Côte & Associate Professor Mansour Edraki & co-supervised by Ramesh Thiruvenkatachari (CSIRO).
Conference Paper
Aksara Putthividhya and Thao Ngo (2016)
Double-Mass and SWAT Analysis of Land Use Pattern Change Effects on Rainfall-Runoff and Runoff-Sediment Relations in Yom River Basin. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016, May 2016, Florida, USA, DOI: 10.1061/9780784479858.012.
Thao Ngo, Sunthorn Pumjan (2017)
The Experimental Study of Solidification of Potash Mine Wastes. 10th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Geological and Geo-Resource Engineering 2017, August 2017, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.