As a science graduate (PhD The University of Queensland) and law graduate (LL.M Australian National University), Peter has always sought to apply science, where it adds understanding, to the management of health, safety and environment risks relevant to our communities and industries. A key component of this understanding has been the application of life cycle assessment and management methodologies across minerals and metals production and supply chains. In order to “know a product”, an industry must know its value chain in all its dimensions.

Through participation in both national and international regulatory forums as a science advisor to both the Australian Government and the minerals industry, Peter has strongly advocated for the inclusion of peer-reviewed science as a foundation stone for the refinement and development of regulatory instruments. This advocacy has included the scientific characterisation of many industry products, by-products and wastes in order to understand and minimise their health, safety and environment risks.  

This knowledge has been communicated to regulatory authorities, for example for the Australian Risk Standard for Industrial Chemicals, the development of Australia’s National Environment Protection Measures and the International Maritime Organisation’s Solid Bulk Cargoes Code. Peter is the current Associate for Australia for the World Ocean Council. He is a past board member of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Pacific Chapter) and also served as a member of the Australian Research Council’s College of Experts.

Peter works to build bridges between science and law and is a strong supporter of science-law double degrees. He believes that science and law are well placed to work more closely together using the evidence-based approach, to better achieve the protection of our health, safety and environment.