
Louisa is a hydrogeologist with twenty years of experience. She has had a diverse career working in research, consulting, and government. Louisa’s main areas of expertise include hydrogeological investigations, impact assessment, groundwater resource management, and contaminated land management. She has worked across a range of sectors including mining, energy, transport, and agriculture and her experience includes developing water resources legislation and policy and leading complex groundwater and surface water investigations for project approvals, operations, and compliance.

Louisa is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow (Hydrogeology) at the Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry (CWiMI). The role involves leading the hydrogeological research, training, and consulting services that CWiMI provide to the minerals industry in Australia and globally and working with a team of water resource management specialists to contribute to a range of inter-discplinary projects. She has recently completed a project for The Australian National University developing draft National Guidelines for Groundwater Monitoring in Australia.

Research reports

Rochford, L., McLean, W., Scarffe, S., and Brown, S. (2011) Characterisation of hydrogeochemistry and risks to groundwater quality. Impact of pumping on groundwater quality: National Water Commission, Raising National Water Standards Program. Report prepared for the NSW Office of Water.