Dr Eric Stemn is a Lecturer at the University of Mines and Technology in Ghana, where he delivers environmental management, risk management and human factors training and education to undergraduate and postgraduate students and directly to the industry. He supervises students undertaking industry-based research with environmental sustainability and operational risk focus. Eric also works closely with several safety-critical industries including mining, oil and gas to provide human-centred risk management solutions that improve operational performance. With his extensive knowledge base and broad skill set, he has forged a successful career in mining, risk management, human factors, and environmental sustainability extending to occupational health and safety management.
Eric has bachelor's and master's degrees in Geomatic Engineering and Environmental Science. He obtained his PhD in Occupational Health and Safety from The University of Queensland, where he was awarded one of Australia’s most prestigious scholarships (IPRS now RTP and UQCENT) for higher degrees by research. Eric's major contribution was an innovative incident investigation maturity framework that organisations could use to assess the current status of the incident investigations and identify ways to improve. He has presented his research to several mines in Ghana and the industry’s peak body and has been working closely with some of these mines to improve how they learn from incidents, and overall improve their safety performance.
Key Publications
Kumi-Baoteng, B. and Stemn, E., (2020), "Spatial Analysis of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of Ghana", Ghana Mining Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 66-74.
Stemn, E. and Kumi-Boateng, B., (2020), "Modelling of Land Surface Temperature Changes as Determinant of Urban Heat Island and Risk of Heat-Related Conditions in the Wassa West Mining Area of Ghana", Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1727-1740.
Stemn, E., Ntsiful, F., Azadah, M. A. and Joe-Asare, T., (2020), "Incident Causal Factors and the Reasons for Conducting Investigations: A Study of Five Ghanaian Large-Scale Mines", Safety, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 9.