Mayra Jefferson Montoya is a Chemical Engineer from the the National University of San Marcos in Peru, with a Master’s degree in Extractive Metallurgy from Western Australian School of Mines (WASM).

The focus of Mayra’s research is  the characterisation of base sulphide ore performance, based on the pyrite type present and its geochemical, electrochemical and mineralogical characteristics. This research program aims to develop tools for the diagnostic assessment and treatment of new ore reserves and mine tailings.

Mayra has over 6 years of experience in the development of geometallurgical studies for different deposit types, including narrow vein deposits, both on greenfield and brownfield projects, as well as major process design and testing on complex polymetallic ores, copper and gold, and the development of associated predictive models throughout South America.


La Torre, L., Jefferson, M., Concha, J., Wasmund, E., “Simulation of HydroFloat® performance in flotation circuits using Limn® for early-stage project evaluation” Procemin 2021

La Torre, L., Jefferson, M., Mamani, H., Tessen, R., “Incorporation for rock fragmentation parameters in the throughput estimation model at GoldFields Cerro Corona” Procemin, 2021

La Torre, L., Jefferson, M., Johnston, A., “Incorporation of Rock Variability to the Design of Comminution Circuits” Procemin, 2020

Jefferson, M., Johnston, A., Matias, C., Davila, N.,  “A Roadmap to Geometallurgical Modeling at The Cerro Lindo VMS Deposit” Procemin, 2020

Johnston, A, Jefferson, M. “Minimum Criteria for Reporting Representativity of Metallurgical Samples” Procemin, 2017.

Jefferson, M., Johnston, A. “Mediciones de Dispersión de Gas en Celdas de Flotación Industrial” 1er Encuentro Internacional Metalurgia, 2013.