Dr Lucia Dzinza studied for her PhD at the University of Cape Town Chemical Engineering department with the Centre of Minerals Research group.
The focus of Lucia's PhD was on the effects of water quality on mineral flotation and involved an electrochemical investigation on the effects of ions in the adsorption of a xanthate collector on PGMs. She also gained exposure to the effects of potential modifiers on the flotation of base metal sulphides in her Master’s degree studies. After the completion of her postgraduate studies, Lucia worked as a Flotation Engineer at Mintek, South Africa, in the Mineral Processing Division.
Lucia's interests are in mineral flotation research with specialisation in mineral surface chemistry, water chemistry and base-metal sulphide and PGM electrochemistry. Her passion lies in water chemistry where she wishes to make a difference in mineral processing research. Lucia's wish is to generate research outputs that will help mining operations to process minerals in a sustainable manner in order to address the global water crisis.