Dr Gemma Mitjanas' research has a strong focus on geophysical exploration and modeling and 3D geological modeling.
Gemma's research has focused on the acquisition and modeling of different geophysical methods, being the key point the integration between different physical-based techniques and their geological interpretation. On the other hand, the study of the structural geology at different scales has been another research focus, integreting microscopical fracture analysis, photogrammetry, outcrop studies, and regional lineaments analysis. During her PhD, all these methodologies have been mainly applied in geothermal exploration.
Gemma earned her Geology degree at the Universitat de Barcelona, which included the final degree thesis (with honors) focused on the restoration of a lagoon system, part of a LIFE EU program project. She then undertook a master's degree in Reservoir geology and geophysics (Universitat de Barcelona & Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona), where she was awarded by the company REPSOL EXPLORACION S.A. for a Master's thesis focused on the exploration of geothermal systems. This work was extended to a PhD entitled "Geophysical and geological characterisation of fault-controlled geothermal systems". The PhD was part of two international projects, GEO-URBAN (ERA-NET) and PIXIL (Interreg V-A POCTEFA program) and Gemma was also granted a Catalan Government scholarship (APIF19). During her PhD studies, Gemma presented her work in several congresses and seminars, and was awarded the 'Best presentation award' of the Geothermal Winter School (2021).