Trace element uptake and bioavailability by halophyte plants in bauxite residue technosols
Sophie is undertaking her PhD investigating the bioavailability and uptake of Al, As and V by halophyte plants in bauxite residue technosols along the gradient of soil formation. Bauxite residues are a highly alkaline by-product of alumina refining, and there is limited information on the soil-plant mechanisms occuring during the technosol development for rehabilitation of these wastes. This research can contribute to the development of environmental compliance of technosols eco-engineered from bauxite residues.
Sophie completed her undergraduate degree in environmental science at the University of Canberra, where she continued her honours research on 'the phytostabilisation of Pb, Zn and Cu mine tailings with native and crop plants supplemented by compost'. She moved to Brisbane for a consultancy role in the contaminated land industry where she worked as an environmental scientist, working to monitor and remediate soil and water contamination across South-East Queensland.