Wenqiang Zhang is a research fellow at the Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry at the Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland. Currently, he is working in the area of geochemistry and geohydrology of mine waste. He also works on a CRC TiME project, “Improved prediction, remediation and closure of acid and neutral metalliferous drainage (AMD/NMD) sites by examination of mine waste behaviour at the Meso-scale”. Wenqiang finished his PhD at the Geotechnical Engineering Centre, The University of Queensland, with a focus on weather-induced desiccation behaviours of subaerially-deposited tailings and salt migration in the soil cover system. He has developed expertise in laboratory experiments and field monitoring to investigate hydrological and geochemical processes in tailings deposition and rehabilitation. He is also a specialist in numerical modelling related to water, salt and heat transport in unsaturated soil/tailings.