Associate Professor Kelly Johnstone

Dr Kelly Johnstone is a certified occupational hygienist and occupational health and safety (OHS) generalist with a focus on the protection of worker health. She is a Senior Lecturer in the School of the Environment, within the Faculty of Science and a Senior Research Fellow at the Minerals Industry Health and Safety Centre (MISHC) at the Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland. Kelly has experience in a range of industries, including the energy and resource sectors, construction, mining, transport, and agriculture. She plays an active role within both the Australian Institute of Health and Safety (AIHS) and the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH).
Kelly has experience in the evaluation and mitigation of exposures to workplace environmental health stressors including chemical, physical and biological hazards with past projects in indoor air quality, waste anaesthetic gas management, thermal environment, pesticide exposures, respirable dust characterisation, welding fume exposures, and a range of OHS management-related projects.
PhD and MPhil Supervision
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