Dr Louise Gallagher

Dr Louise Gallagher has devoted over 15 years to driving transformative change at the intersection of environment and development, with organisations such as the UN Environment Programme and WWF, among others.
Louise's current focus is advancing multistakeholder cooperation, sustainability analysis innovation, and responsible sourcing practices to address pressing issues related to sand and silicates utilisation and sustainability.
Louise's current focus is advancing multistakeholder cooperation, sustainability analysis innovation, and responsible sourcing practices to address pressing issues related to sand and silicates utilisation and sustainability. She currently co-leads an initiative with OECD, IKEA and Roca group on responsible sourcing of sand and silicates with Professor Daniel Franks and Daniel Holm. She is the lead author of the UNEP (2019) report on Sand and Sustainability: Finding new solutions for environmental governance. She co-authored the UNEP (2022) Sand and Sustainability: 10 strategic recommendations to avert a crisis. She led the governance research and action for UNEP/GRID-Geneva’s Global Sand Observatory initiative until 2021. She was a lead contributor to The University of Queensland and the University of Geneva’s collaboration on Ore Sand: a potential new solution to the mine tailings and global sand sustainability crises.
Featured projects | Duration |
Ore-sand: A circular economy solution to reduce mineral wastes and improve global sand sustainability | 2021 |