Associate Professor Vigya Sharma is an experienced researcher across domestic and international mining and energy sectors. Her specific interests are understanding how resources' presence (or absence) impacts development outcomes in host communities and regions. In her current role, she is leading the Centre’s work on fossil fuel transitions, particularly looking at the social, political, and economic impacts of fossil fuel phase-out both in Australia and globally.

As an engineer with a PhD in the social sciences, Vigya has a deep appreciation for interdisciplinary thinking and practice. She continues to build on these skills and undertake wide-ranging research, research management, training, and engagement to contribute to long-term positive change in the energy and resources sector.

Vigya coordinates and is the primary lecturer for the undergraduate course on Humanitarian Engineering, offered to students in the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT). She led the design and delivery of this course, first introduced at UQ in 2020.

Besides advising master’s and PhD students on energy transitions, mine closure, and energy and development, Vigya has an active service and engagement portfolio. Most recently, she was invited to join the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET), established at COP27. CEET is an Independent Advisory Council to the UN Secretary-General, to contribute to their goal to build a coalition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and to support the United Nations' work on engineering pathways to achieve global decarbonisation goals by mid-century.

She also serves on the Editorial Boards of Energy Research and Social Science, and Sustainability Science.

Prior to joining CSRM, Vigya was based at the Energy and Poverty Research Group (EPRG), an interdisciplinary pan-UQ initiative established to support positive social, environmental and health outcomes vital for sustainable and productive livelihoods in energy impoverished communities globally. Vigya led this group's engagement and research in India.


  • PhD, The University of Adelaide
  • Master of Science, Royal Institute of Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology, Kurukshetra University