Margaret Stephenson was an Associate Professor of Law at the T C Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland. Before commencing an academic career Margaret practised as a solicitor in Property Law in Brisbane. Margaret currently teaches in the areas of Property Law, Native Title Law and Comparative Indigenous Legal Issues. Margaret has developed a number of courses, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including Comparative and International Indigenous courses by video conferencing. Margaret's research interests include Real Property Law, Native Title and Comparative Indigenous Rights.
Webb, Eileen and Stephenson, Margaret Anne (2015). Focus Land Law. 4th ed. Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths.
Webb, Eileen and Stephenson, Margaret (2009). Land law. 3rd ed. Sydney, Australia: Butterworths.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1995). Mabo: the Native Title Legislation – A Legislative Response to the High Court’s Decision. Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Book Chapters
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2016). Property (incorporating Native Title). Australian Commercial Law. (pp. 513-553) Sydney, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Stephenson, Margaret Anne and Hunter, Tina (2014). Resource developments on Indigenous lands in Australia: the James Price point gas precinct. Mining ethics and sustainability: papers from the World Mining Conference 2013. (pp. 121-142) edited by Nicolae Irina and Christoph Stückelberger. Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics.net Publications.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2012). Property (incorporating Native Title). Australian Commercial Law. (pp. 493-532) edited by Clive Turner. Sydney, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Stephenson, Margaret Anne (2011). Sami lands and Indigenous Australian lands: Some comparative perspectives. First world, first nations: Internal colonialism and indigenous self-determination in Northern Europe and Australia. (pp. 168-197) edited by Günter Minnerup and Pia Solberg. Brighton, United Kingdom: Sussex Academic Press.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2011). Property (incorporating Native Title). Australian Commercial Law. (pp. 481-517) edited by Clive Turner. Sydney, Australia: Thomson Reuters.
Stephenson, Margaret (2010). You can't always get what you want: Economic development on Indigenous individual and collective titles in North America: What lessons for Australia?. Comparative perspectives on communal lands and individual ownership: Sustainable futures. (pp. 101-144) edited by Lee Godden and Maureen Tehan. Abingdon, U.K.; New York, U.S.A.: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203848111
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2009). Property law. Australian commercial law. (pp. 415-448) edited by Clive Turner. Pyrmont, N. S. W., Australia: Lawbook Company.
BA Hocking and M Stephenson (2008). Why the persistent absence of a foundational principle? Indigenous Australians, proprietary and family reparations. Reparation for Indigenous peoples: International and comparative perspectives. (pp. 477-522) edited by Frederico Lenzerini. Oxford, U.K.: New York, U.S.A: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199235605.003.0018
Stephenson, M. A. (2007). Individual title v collective title in Australia: Reflections on the North American and New Zealand experiences of Indigenous title to land. Modern Studies in Property Law. (pp. 295-328) edited by Cooke, E.. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Stephenson, M.A. (2006). Property law. Australian commercial law. (pp. 398-429) edited by Clive Turner. Sydney, Australia: Thomson Lawbook Company.
Stephenson, Margaret (2005). Property law. Australian commercial law. (pp. 477-512) edited by Clive Turner. Pyrmont, N. S. W., Australia: Law Book Company.
Stephenson, M.A. (2005). Property law (incorporating Native Title). Australian commercial law. (pp. 477-512) edited by Clive Turner. Pyrmont, Australia: Lawbook Co..
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2003). Property law. Australian commercial law. (pp. 513-555) edited by Clive Turner. Sydney, Australia: Lawbook Co.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2001). Property Law. Commercial Law. (pp. 506-546) edited by Clive Turner. Sydney: Law Book Company.
Stephenson, Margaret (1999). Property. Commercial law. (pp. 512-540) edited by Clive Turner. Sydney, NSW, Australia: LBC Information Services.
Stephenson, Margaret, C. MacDonald, L. McCrimmon and A. Wallace (1998). Leases. Real Property Law in Queensland. (pp. 495-600) edited by C MacDonald and L McCrimmon and A Wallace. North Ryde: LBC Information Services.
Stephenson, M. A. (1997). Negotiating resource development agreements with Indigenous peoples: comparative international lessons. Commercial implications of native title. (pp. 320-374) edited by Bryan Horrigan and Simon Young. Annandale, NSW, Australia: Federation Press.
Stephenson, Margaret (1997). Implications of the Mabo Case for Indigenous People. Indigenous People in the Wake of Mabo. (pp. 175-193) edited by K Puri. Australia: Bah'i Publications.
Stephenson, Margaret (1995). Compensation and Valuation of Native Title. Mabo: the Native Title Legislation. (pp. 135-154) edited by M. A. Stephenson. St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1995). Pastoral Leases and Native Title. Mabo: the Native Title Legislation. (pp. 104-119) edited by M A Stephenson. St. Lucia, Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1995). Introduction. Mabo: the Native Title Legislation. Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1994). Introduction. Australia – Republic or Monarchy? Legal and Constitutional Issues. (pp. 1-8) edited by M.A. Stephenson and Clive Turner. Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Mabo - A New Dimension to Land Tenure - Whose Land Now?. Mabo: A Judicial Revolution – The Aboriginal Land Rights Decision and Its Impact on Australian Law. (pp. 96-118) edited by M. A. Stephenson and Suri Ratnapala. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Journal Articles
Stephenson, M. A. (2016). The doctrine of extinguishment: and then there was Congoo. Property Law Review, 6, 3-26.
Stephenson, Margaret and Tehan, Maureen (2015). The Recording and Management of Indigenous Lands and Title: Is Reform Required?. Australian Property Law Journal, 24, 235-254.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2012). Indigenous lands and constitutional reform in Australia: a Canadian comparison. Australian Indigenous Law Review, 15 (2), 87-106.
Stephenson, Margaret, Morse, Bradford, Robertson, Lindsay, Castan, Melissa, Yarrow, David and Thompson, Ruth (2009). International and comparative Indigenous rights via video conferencing. Legal Education Review, 19 (2), 237-255.
Stephenson, Margaret (2009). To lease or not to lease? The leasing of Indigenous Statutory Lands in Australia: Lessons from Canada. Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 35 (3), 545-570. doi: 10.1080/03050710903113022
Stephenson, Margaret (2006). Queensland's Indigenous Cultural Heritage Legislation: A Critique. Journal of South Pacific Law, 10 (2)
Stephenson, M. A. and Hocking, A. (2006). Review of Australian Native Title Law. By Melissa Perry and Stephen Lloyd. Alternative Law Journal, 31 (1), 54-54.
Stephenson, M. A. (2003). Canadian provincial legislative powers and aboriginal rights since Delgamuukw: Can a province infringe aboriginal rights or title?. International Trade and Business Law Annual, V111 (May 2003), 57-94. doi: 10.4324/9781843145165
Stephenson, M. A. (2003). Resource development on Aboriginal lands in Canada and Australia. James Cook University Law Review, 2002/2003 (9), 21-73.
Stephenson, Margaret (1997). Indigenous to Australia: The Mabo Case and the Native Title Legislation - The Legal Issues in Recognising Native Title in Australia. The Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin, 3
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1994). Mabo and Women's Right's - Customary Laws and Contemporary Values. Pandora's Box, 11-14.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Mabo, The High Court Decision. Australia Property Law Bulletin, Special Mabo edition, 8, 13-21.
Stephenson, M. A. (1993). Vessel-source pollution under the law of the sea convention - an analysis of the enforcement standards. University of Queensland Law Journal, 17 (2), 267-286.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). The High Court Decision in Mabo and Valuation of Native Title Issues. The Valuer & Land Economist, 13 (8), 605-610.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1992). Vessel-Source Pollution under the Law of the Sea Convention - An Analysis of the Prescriptive Standards. University of Queensland Law Journal, 17 (1), 117-134.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1992). High Court Decision Not the Final Word - Severance of a Joint Tenancy. Australian Property Law Bulletin, 7, 39-44.
Conference Papers
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2017). Proving Indigenous Property Rights in Canada and Australia. Association for Law, Property and Society Meeting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, May 2017.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2017). Indigenous Land Reform: the question of incorporation of Indigenous land titles into land registration systems. National Native Title Conference: Our Land is our Birthright, Mabo 25 and Beyond, Townsville, QLD, Australia, June 2017.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2016). Reform issues. Land Titles Working Group Queensland, Queensland, Australia, December 2016.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2016). Proving Aboriginal/Native Title in Canada and Australia: A Question of Future and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Disruption, Temporality and Law: the Future of Law and Society Scholarship Legitimacy. Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Disruption, Temporality and Law: the Future of Law and Society Scholarship, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, December 2016.
Stephenson, Margaret A. and B Morse (2015). Contested Indigenous Property Rights; Proving Aboriginal/Native Title in Canada and Australia: A Question of Justice'. Contested Property Claims Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, December 2015.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2014). Free Prior and Informed Consent and Its Relevance to Australia. Queensland Resources Council, Indigenous Affairs Committee, Brisbane, 28 Feb 2014.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2014). Consultation or Consent? Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Relation to Resource Development on Traditional Lands. World Indigenous Legal Conference, Brisbane, June 2014.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2014). Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC): The New Standard for Indigenous State Relationships when Resource Development Occurs on Indigenous Lands. Law and Society Conference, UQ, Dec 2014.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2014). Free Prior and Informed Consent: Consultation with Traditional Owners. Presentation to QGC, CSRM, UQ,, August 2014.
Stephenson, Margaret and Tehan, Maureen (2014). Indigenous Lands: Can and Should Indigenous Land Titles Be Incorporated into Land Registration Systems. Association for Law, Property and Society Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2-3 2014.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2013). Agreement Making with Aboriginal Peoples. Law on the Edge, Canadian Law and Society Association and the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 2013.
Stephenson, Margaret and Tina Hunter (2013). Resource Developments on Indigenous Lands in Australia: The James Price Point Gas Precinct. World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, August 2013.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2013). Resource Development on Indigenous Lands in Australia with Canadian Comparisons. Law on the Edge, Canadian Law and Society Association and the Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 2013.
Stephenson, Margaret (2013). Putting A Price on Native Title. Native Title Summit, Brisbane, June 2013.
Stephenson, Margaret (2013). Negotiating Mining Agreements on Indigenous Lands in Canada and Australia. World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, August 2013.
Stephenson, Margaret Anne (2013). Recognition, rights and resources: negotiating mining agreements on Indigenous lands in Canada and Australia. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, 11-15 August 2013. Montreal, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Stephenson, Margaret Anne and Hunter, Tina (2013). Resource developments on Indigenous lands in Australia: The James Price Point Gas Precinct. 23rd World Mining Congress, Montreal, Canada, 11-15 August 2013. Montreal, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2012). Consultation and Negotiation Regimes for Resource Development on Indigenous Lands. Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, July 2012.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2011). Australian Land Law - A Model for China?. Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) Seminar, Brisbane, December 2011.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2011). Indigenous Land Rights and Constitutional Reform. Constitutional Reform and Indigenous Peoples Workshop, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, 1 July 2011.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2011). Consultation and Negotiation with Indigenous Peoples in Canada and Australia. Indigenous Peoples, Land and the Crown in Canada and Australia - Panel, Law Faculty University of British Columbia, May.
Stephenson, Margaret (2011). Consultation Regimes and Indigenous Rights. Justice in the Round, University of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand, April 2011.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2010). United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Its Implications for Indigenous Australians. University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, November 2010.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2010). A New Dimension in the Internationalization of the Curriculum - A 'Virtual Overseas Classroom' Via Video-Conferencing Technology and A Comparative Indigenous Rights Course Experience. International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, Madrid, Spain, November 2010.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2009). What is an Indigenous Claimant 'Society' in the Context of Proving Native Title in Australia. The Politics of Community and Identity: Learning from One Another Conference,, University of Ottawa, Canada., May 2009.
Margaret Stephenson (2009). Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Aboriginal Property Rights in Australia and Canada. Canadian Law and Society Association Conference, Canadian Congress,, Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada., May 2009.
Margaret Stephenson (2009). Reconciliation with Aboriginal Peoples in Canada and Australia - Some Thoughts. Reconciliation Roundtable, Aboriginal Law and Strategic Policy Unit, Department of Justice, Government of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, May.
Margaret Stephenson (2008). Indigenous Issues and Contemporary Australian Developments. Seminar to members of the Centre for Sami Research, Umea University, Umea, Sweden, January 2008.
Margaret Stephenson (2008). Issues with the Right to Negotiate Under the Australian Native Title Act. Seminar to Graduate Students and Law Faculty, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, January 2008.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007). Indigenous Land Rights in Australia: Some Comparisons with the Sami. Northern Europe's Indigenous Minorities Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 2007.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007). What Native Title Has Meant for Indigenous Australians: Reflections on Mabo 15 Years On. Oklahoma Sovereignty Symposium: Making Medicine, Oklahoma City, USA, 2007.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007). Compensation for Loss of Indigenous Property Rights in Australia. The 8th Real Property Teachers' Conference, Hobart, 2007.
Stephenson, Margaret (2007). Issues Faced by Indigenous Australians. We all count, BEL Faculty, University of Queensland, 2007.
Stephenson, Margaret (2007). Federalism and Indigenous Title in Australia and Canada and the Impact on Extinguishment. International Conference on Comparative Federalism and Indigenous People, Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawaii, 2007.
Margaret Stephenson (2007). Reforms to Indigenous Land Title in Australia: Some Lessons from Other Jurisdictions. ALTA Conference, 61st Annual Conference, Victoria University, Melbourne, 4-7 July 2006.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007). Reforms to Indigenous land title in Australia: Some lessons from other jurisdictions. 61st Annual Australasian Law Teachers Association Conference: Legal Knowledge: Learning, Communicating and Doing, Melbourne, Australia, 4-7 July 2006. Sydney, Australia: Australasian Law Teachers Association.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2006). Individual Title and Registry Systems for Indigenous Lands: Comparative Models. Trends towards Individual Title over Communal Lands: Implications for Resources Management and Sustainability, University of Melbourne Law School, 2006.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2006). The Future of Native Title in Australia. Sorry Day Speech, Brisbane, 2006.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2006). Indigenous Land Reform in Australia. Legal Knowledge: Learning Communicating and Doing, Melbourne, 2006.
Stephenson, Margaret (2006). White Picket Fences and Communal Native Title: Is There a Connection?. Canada and Australasia: Globalization, Nations, Cultures and Borders, Dunedin, New Zealand, 11-13 April, 2006.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2005). A Critical of Queensland's Indigenous Cultural Heritage Legislation. The Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference, Vanuatu, 2005.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2005). The Canadian Duty to Consult and the Australian Right to Negotiate on Indigenous Lands: Current Comparative Indigenous Issues. Canadian Federal Government's Lawyers' Seminar, Aboriginal Litigation Section, Justice Canada, Ottawa, Canada, July 2005.
Stephenson, Margaret (2005). Comparative Theories of Aboriginal Title. Law's Empire Conference, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada, June, 2005.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2004). Extinguishment Issues in Aboriginal Title in Canada and Australia. Australia and Canada in a New Millennium, Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zeraland Conference, Sydney, 2004.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2004). Concepts of Aboriginal Title in Canada and Australia. 22nd Annual Law and Society Conference: Re-Collection: Official Knowledge and the Memory of Unofficial Practices, Brisbane, 2004.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2002). Resource Development on Aboriginal Lands and Waters in Australia and Canada. Converging Futures? Australia and Canada in a New Millennium, Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand Conference, Canberra, 2002.
Stephenson, Margaret (2002). Resource Development on Aboriginal Land and Waters in Canada and Australia. American Law and Society Association and the Canadian Law and Society Association Joint Meeting 2002, Reach of Law Within Nations, Vancouver, Canada, 2002.
Margaret Stephenson (2002). Reflections on Australia's First Women Lawyers. Addressed WATL (Women and The Law Association), Brisbane, 2002.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2001). Indigenous Rights and International Law Perspectives. International and Human Rights Law Society Association Seminar, Indianapolis, USA, 2001.
Stephenson, Margaret (2001). Mining on Aboriginal Lands in North America and Australia. Australia and North American Studies Association (ANASA) Conference, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA, 2001.
Margaret Stephenson (2001). Indigenous Rights in Australia - Where to from Here?. Faculty Seminar, Indianapolis, USA, 2001.
Margaret Stephenson (2001). Current Indigenous Issues in Australia and Canada. Faculty Seminar, Fredericton, Canada, 2001.
Margaret Stephenson (1998). The Operation of the Commonwealth Native Title Act. Seminar North Queensland Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, North Queensland Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, 1998.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1996). Indigenous Issues in International Law and in Australia. Faculty Seminars, Italy, 1996.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1995). Statutory Schemes Involving Native Title and Aboriginal Land in Queensland. ATSIC Conference, Rockhampton, 1995.
Stephenson, Margaret (1995). The Impact and Implications of State and Commonwealth Legislation on Native Title in Queensland. ATSIC Conference, Cairns, 1995.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1994). The Native Title Legislation - an Explanation. Valuing Towards 2000 - The National Land Valuers Conference, Gatton Conference Proceedings, 1994.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1994). The Interrelationship Between the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 (Qld) and the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1994. ATSIC Aboriginal Land Conference, Brisbane, 1994.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1994). Settling Native Title Claims in Australia and Canada. University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law, Indigenous Public Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 1994.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1994). Native Title Legislation - Property Law Aspects. TC Beirne School of Law Symposium on the Native Title Legislation, TC Beirne School of Law, 1994.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1994). Valuation of Native Title - The Mabo Case and the Commonwealth Legislation. The Australian Institute of Valuers Conference Proceedings, Newcastle, 1994.
Stephenson, Margaret (1994). The Native Tltle Legislation - an Explanation. Valuing Towards 2000 - The National Land Valuers' Conference, Gatton, 1994.
Margaret Stephenson (1994). Mabo and the Native Title Legislation in Australia. Law Faculty Seminar, Toronto, Canada, 1994.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Commonwealth Government's Discussion Paper on Mabo and Proposed Legislation. Land Conference - Central Queensland Zone, Toowoomba, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Extinguishment of Native Title Under Mabo. Aboriginal Land Rights FAIRA Conference, Brisbane, July, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Mabo an Overview. The Continuing Legal Education Law Society Symposium, Brisbane, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Mabo and Valuing Native Title. The Valuing Towards 2000 - The National Land Valuers' Conference, Gatton, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). The Content of Native Title. National Conference for the International Year of the World's Indigenous People, Brisbane, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Mabo and the Doctrine of Land Tenure. TC Beirne School of Law Symposium, Brisbane TC Beirne School of Law University of Queensland, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Mabo an Overview. The Continuing Legal Education Law Society Symposium, Brisbane, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). Mabo and Valuing Native Title. The Valuing Towards 2000 - The National Land Valuers Conference, Gatton Conference Proceedings, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret (1993). Mabo and the Doctrine of Land Tenure. Mabo - A Critical Review, Proceedings of the Law School Symposium, Brisbane, 1993.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (1993). The Content of Native Title. National Conference for the International Year of the World's Indigenous Peoples, Brisbane, 1993.
Audio Document
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2012). Mabo: 20th Anniversary Roundtable. Radio National's 'Big Ideas'.
Stephenson, Margaret (1985). Standards relating to pollution of the marine environment under the provisions of the law of the sea convention. Master's Thesis, T.C. Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland.
Seminar Papers
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2015). Comparative Perspectives on Indigenous Rights: Australia and North America. Center for Comparative Native and Indigenous Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany - Sponsored by Transnational American Studies Institute at Mainz University, and the Atlantische Akademie. Kairserlautern, Germany.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2015). IPIECA Social Responsibility Working Group. Perth.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2015). Native Peoples in Australia: Contemporary Issues. Faculty Presentation, Lulea University of Technology. Lulea, Sweden.
Research Reports
Newspaper Articles
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2008, 01 01). Native Title Goes Global Graduate Contact, Brisbane 15-15.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007, 12 01). It is Not Often That a Lecturer Crosses Several Time Zones While Giving a Class UQ News, Brisbane 9-9.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007, 11 23). UQ's Indigenous Law Course Goes Global National Indigenous Times
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007, 11 15). A Time to Learn Together Brisbane Legal, Brisbane 10-10.
Stephenson, Margaret A. (2007, 11 15). UQ Forges Course for the Future Lawyers Weekly 10-10.
Stephenson, Margaret (2007, 11 08). Time Traveller Courier Mail, Brisbane 73-73.