Chinwe Ekene Ezeigbo is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM). Her doctoral research broadly aims to explore the impact of social accountability mechanisms in improving resource governance in countries in West Africa.
She is a qualified Nigerian legal practitioner, admitted to the Nigerian Bar in 2008, and for some time, worked full time as a Barrister and Solicitor in Nigeria. She completed her Masters in Energy Law and Policy at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP), University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom, under the Nigerian government Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF). Prior to commencing her research at the CSRM, Chinwe worked with the Monitoring and Evaluation unit of the Facility for Oil Sector Transformation (FOSTER) in Nigeria, a project focusing on improving the management of revenues from Nigeria’s extractives sector. This project is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) and managed by the Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPML). This experience gave her the background on issues impeding resource governance leading to her interest in working on a PhD with CSRM.
In addition, Chinwe has also been involved in research and advisory roles on different policy issues with international firms/organisations including Allen and Overy LLP, London, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the European Union. Chinwe has expertise in research, monitoring and evaluation for governance projects, knowledge management and law.
Chinwe is currently studying under the supervision of Dr Kathryn Sturman.
Chinwe is a recipient of the fully funded University of Queensland (UQ) Research Training Scholarship.