Dr Jason Dunlop is a Principal Technical Advisor (Resource Rehabilitation) in the Office of the Queensland Mine Rehabilitation Commissioner. This role involves undertaking research to develop leading practices for mine rehabilitation and closure planning. Jason has previously coordinated the assessment of Environmental Impact Statements for major projects and provided expert technical advice to support licencing and regulation of impacts to water resources across a range of industries including mining, petroleum and gas and infrastructure projects. Jason has also led a number of significant research projects that have included an evaluation of the potential impacts from coal seam gas water releases and a toxicity study of salinity impacts in freshwater ecosystems. He has also coordinated a broadscale water quality monitoring program on contaminant loads across southeast Queensland. Jason has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science, a Masters in Science and a PhD in Environmental Toxicology from the University of Queensland.
Dunlop, J., Hobbs, D., Mann, R., Nanjappa, V., Smith, R., Vardy, S., and Vink, S. (2016). Considering background ionic proportions in the development of sulfate guidelines for the Fitzroy River basin. Australasian Bulletin of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry. Volume 3, Pages 1-10. https://australasia.setac.org/wp-content/uploads/ABEEC-v3-p1.pdf
Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Hawkins, C. P., Kefford, B. J., Schäfer, R. B., Dyack, B. J., Brucet, S., Buchwalter, D. Dunlop, J.… Timpano, A. J. (2016). Saving freshwater from salts: Ion-specific standards are needed to protect biodiversity. Science, 351(6276), 914–916. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/351/6276/914
Mann, R.M., and Dunlop, J.E. (2015) Surface and groundwater quality triggers for the management of the Mount Morgan mine. Water Assessment and Systems. Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
Dunlop, J., Hobbs, D., Mann, R., Nanjappa, V., Smith, R., Vardy, S., and Vink, S. (2015). Assessing the toxicity of saline waters: The importance of accommodating surface water ionic composition at the river basin scale. Australasian Bulletin of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry, Volume 2, Pages 1-15. https://australasia.setac.org/wp-content/uploads/ABEEC-v2-p1.pdf
Wang, Y-G., Wang, S.S.J. and Dunlop, J. (2015). Statistical modelling and power analysis for detecting trends in total suspended sediment loads. Journal of Hydrology, 520, pp. 439-447. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022169414008828
Dunlop, J. (2013). Management of major ions in freshwater ecosystems: thresholds of impact and indicators of change. PhD Thesis. The University of Queensland, School of Medicine, National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology. DOI 10.14264/uql.2014.144
Dunlop, J. Rogers, S. and McGregor, G. (2013). Assessment of cumulative hydrologic impacts from Coal Seam Gas associated water release on aquatic ecosystems. Water Planning Ecology, Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts, Brisbane. https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/106018/act-9-assessment-flow-related-impacts.pdf
Dunlop, J., McGregor, G. and Rogers, S. (2013). Cumulative impacts of coal seam gas water discharges to surface streams in the Queensland Murray–Darling Basin: Assessment of water quality impacts. Brisbane: Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts. https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/106019/act-9-assessment-water-quality-impacts.pdf
McGregor, G., Rogers, S, Dunlop, J. & Marshall, J (2013). Coal Seam Gas water use proposals in the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin - impacts on aquatic ecosystems: Interim concepts and principles for assessing cumulative impacts of CSG water releases to streams. Department of Environment and Resource Management, Queensland Government, Brisbane. https://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/106020/act-9-cumulative-impacts-assess-framework.pdf
Thomson, B., Rogers, B., Dunlop, J., Ferguson, B., Marsh, N. Vardy, S. and Warne, M. St.J. (2012). A framework for selecting the most appropriate load estimation method for events based on sampling regime. Brisbane: Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts. http://hlw.org.au/u/lib/mob/20141010165910_05b96905fff3c3fad/2012_loadestimationmethod_events-1mb.pdf
Rogers, B., Thomson, B., Ferguson, B., Orr, D., Dunlop, J., Warne, M. St.J., Turner, R. and Gardiner, R. (2012). Sediment and nutrient loads for South East Queensland catchments during 2007-2011. Catchment Water Science, Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts.
Kefford, B.J. Hickey, G.L. Gasith, A., Ben-David, E., Dunlop, J.E., Palmer, C.G., Allen, K., Choy, S. (2012). Global scale variation in the salinity sensitivity of riverine macroinvertebrates: comparisons between eastern Australia, France, Israel and South Africa. PLoS ONE 7(5): e35224. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035224.
Dunlop, J., Thomson, B., Rogers, B., Ferguson, B. (2011). South East Queensland Event Monitoring Program – Annual operational report 2010-2011. Catchment Water Science, Department of Environment and Resource Management.
Dunlop, J., Hobbs, D., Mann, R., Nanjappa, V., Smith, R., Vardy, S., and Vink, S. (2011). Development of ecosystem protection trigger values for sodium sulfate in seasonally flowing streams of the Fitzroy River Basin. Australian Coal Association Research Program technical report (C18033).
Kefford, B.J., Marchant, R., Schäfer, R.B., Metzeling, L., Dunlop, J.E., Choy, S.C., and Goonan P. (2011). The definition of species richness used by species sensitivity distributions approximates observed effects of salinity on stream macroinvertebrates. Environmental Pollution. Vol 159 (1), pp. 302-310.
Kefford, B.J., Zalizniak, L., Dunlop J.E., Nugegoda, D., and Choy S.C. (2010). How are macroinvertebrates of slow flowing lotic systems directly affected by suspended and deposited sediments? Environmental Pollution. Vol. 158, pp. 543-550.
Shaw, M., Dunlop, J., and McGregor, G. (2009). Identifying pesticides and locations for monitoring in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments: Approach and assessment outputs. Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water, Brisbane, Queensland.
Dunlop, J.E., McGregor G., Kefford B., McNeil V., Choy S., and Nugegoda, D. (2008). A review of guideline development for suspended solids and salinity in tropical rivers of Queensland, Australia. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology. Tropical Rivers Special Edition. Vol. 14, pp. 129-142, 2008.
Hickey, G.L., Kefford, B.J. Dunlop, J.E. and Craig P.S. (2008). Making species salinity sensitivity distributions reflective of naturally occurring communities: using rapid testing and Bayesian statistics. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 2403–2411.
Dunlop, J.E., Horrigan, N., McGregor, G., Kefford, B.J., Choy, S. and Prasad, R. (2008). Effect of spatial variation on macroinvertebrate salinity tolerance in Eastern Australia: implications for derivation of ecosystem protection trigger values. Environmental Pollution. 151: 621-630.
Dunlop, J., Parker, N., and Gardner T. (2008). The influence of urban stormwater on freshwater ecosystems and relationship with management responses to urbanisation in South East Queensland. Proceedings of the Joint Annual Conference of the QLD and NSW Stormwater Industry Associations 8th - 11th July, 2008.
Dunlop, J., McGregor, G., Shaw M, Muller R. (2008). Options to assess pesticide hazard in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments. Aquatic Ecosystems Technical Report No. 61, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water, Brisbane, Queensland.
Kefford, B., Dunlop, J., Nugegoda D. & Choy, S. (2007). Understanding salinity thresholds in freshwater biodiversity: freshwater to saline transition, Chapter 2, page 9-28 in, Lovett, S., Price, P. & Edgar, B. (eds); Salt, Nutrient, Sediment and Interactions: Findings from the National River Contaminants Program, Land & Water Australia, Canberra.
Horrigan, N. Dunlop, J.E. Kefford, B.J., Zavahir, F., (2007). Acute toxicity largely reflects the salinity sensitivity of stream macroinvertebrates derived using field distributions. Marine and Freshwater Research. Vol 53, 178-186.
Kefford B.J., Salter J., Clay C. Dunlop J., and Nugegoda D. (2007). Freshwater invertebrates’ response to gradients of salinity and turbidity: using preference as a rapid sub-lethal test. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology. Vol 13, pp. 131-142.
Dunlop, J., McGregor, G., Horrigan N., 2007. (2007). Deriving water quality guidelines for salinity and sediments in Queensland, an applied approach, National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality Report Series.
Kefford B.J., Dunlop J., Horrigan, N., Zalizniak, L., Hassell, K.H., Prasad, R., Choy, S., and Nugegoda, D. (2006). Predicting salinity-induced loss of biodiversity. Project No: RMI 12. Final Report to Land and Water Australia.
Dunlop, J., McGregor, G., Horrigan, N. (2005). Potential Impacts of Salinity and Turbidity in Riverine Ecosystems – characterisation of impacts and a discussion of regional target setting for riverine ecosystems in Queensland, National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality Technical Report Series.
Dunlop, J. (2004). Direct Toxicity Assessment (DTA) of Sewage Effluent in South East Queensland, Australia: Review of the literature and preliminary evaluation of direct toxicity assessment methods and a laboratory trial combining passive sampling techniques with DTA. MSc. Thesis, Australian School of Environmental Studies, Griffith University.