Journal Articles
Nguyen, Anh, Tungpalan, Kate, Evans, Cathy, Manlapig, Emmy, Jackson, John, Nguyen, Khoi and Valenta, Rick (2021). A method for rapid estimation of processing behaviour based on ore texture. Minerals Engineering, 171 107111, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107111
Tungpalan, Kate, Wightman, Elaine, Keeney, Luke and Manlapig, Emmy (2021). A geometallurgical approach for predicting separation performance. Minerals Engineering, 171 107065, 107065. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2021.107065
Shi, Fengnian, Liu, Hongping, Rodrigues, Sandra, Esterle, Joan, Nguyen, Anh K. and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2018). Lithotype-based modelling and simulations of coal degradation conditioned by both high and low energy breakage. Fuel, 232, 405-414. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.05.125
Tayebi-Khoram, Maedeh, Manlapig, Emmy, Forbes, Elizaveta, Edraki, Mansour and Bradshaw, Dee (2018). Effect of surface oxidation on the flotation response of enargite in a complex ore system. Minerals Engineering, 119, 149-155. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2018.01.024
Liu, Hongping, Rodrigues, Sandra, Shi, Fengnian, Esterle, Joan and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2017). Coal washability analysis using X-ray tomographic images for different lithotypes. Fuel, 209, 162-171. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.07.104
Tayebi-Khorami, Maedeh, Manlapig, Emmy, Forbes, Elizaveta, Bradshaw, Dee and Edraki, Mansour (2017). Selective flotation of enargite from copper sulphides in Tampakan deposit. Minerals Engineering, 112, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2017.06.021
Tungpalan, Kate, Wightman, Elaine and Manlapig, Emmy (2017). The role of vein-type mineralisation in mineral liberation. Minerals Engineering, 116, 209-212. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2017.07.001
Tayebi-Khorami, Maedeh, Manlapig, Emmanuel and Forbes, Elizaveta (2017). Relating the mineralogical characteristics of Tampakan ore to enargite separation. Minerals, 7 (5) 77, 136-140. doi: 10.3390/min7050077
Tungpalan, Kate, Wightman, Elaine, Manlapig, Emmy and Keeney, Luke (2017). The influence of veins on mineral liberation as described by random masking simulation. Minerals Engineering, 100, 109-114. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2016.10.015
Meng, Jun, Tabosa, Erico, Xie, Weiguo, Runge, Kym, Bradshaw, Dee and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2016). A review of turbulence measurement techniques for flotation. Minerals Engineering, 95, 79-95. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2016.06.007
Mariano, R. A., Evans, C. L. and Manlapig, E. (2016). Definition of random and non-random breakage in mineral liberation - a review. Minerals Engineering, 94, 51-60. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2016.05.005
Zuo, Weiran, Shi, Fengnian and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2015). Pre-concentration of copper ores by high voltage pulses. Part 1: principle and major findings.. Minerals Engneering, 79, 306-314. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.03.022
Shi, Fengnian, Zuo, Weiran and Manlapig, Emmy (2015). Pre-concentration of copper ores by high voltage pulses. Part 2: opportunities and challenges. Minerals Engineering, 79, 315-323. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.01.014
Zuo, Weiran, Shi, Fengnian and Manlapig, Emmy (2015). Modelling of high voltage pulse breakage of ores. Minerals Engineering, 83, 168-174. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.09.006
Edraki, Mansour, Baumgartl, Thomas, Manlapig, Emmanuel, Bradshaw, Dee, Franks, Daniel M. and Moran, Chris J. (2014). Designing mine tailings for better environmental, social and economic outcomes: a review of alternative approaches. Journal of Cleaner Production, 84 (1), 411-420. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.04.079
Shi, Fengnian, Manlapig, Emmy and Zuo, Weiran (2014). Progress and challenges in electrical comminution by high-voltage pulses. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 37 (5), 765-769. doi: 10.1002/ceat.201300660
Zuo, Weiran, Shi, Fengnian and Manlapig, Emmy (2014). Electrical breakdown channel locality in high voltage pulse breakage. Minerals Engineering, 69, 196-204. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2014.08.006
Tungpalan, Kate, Manlapig, Emmy, Andrusiewicz, Michal, Keeney, Luke, Wightman, Elaine and Edraki, Mansour (2014). An integrated approach of predicting metallurgical performance relating to variability in deposit characteristics. Minerals Engineering, 71, 49-54. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2014.10.004
Shi, Fengnian, Zuo, Weiran and Manlapig, Emmy (2013). Characterisation of pre-weakening effect on ores by high voltage electrical pulses based on single-particle tests. Minerals Engneering, 50-51, 69-76. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2013.06.017
Wang, Eric, Shi, Fengnian and Manlapig, Emmy (2012). Experimental and numerical studies of selective fragmentation of mineral ores in electrical comminution. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 112-113, 30-36. doi: 10.1016/j.minpro.2012.07.005
Wang, Eric, Shi, Fengnian and Manlapig, Emmy (2012). Factors affecting electrical comminution performance. Minerals Engineering, 34, 48-54. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2012.04.011
Wang, Eric, Shi, Fengnian and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2012). Mineral liberation by high voltage pulses and conventional comminution with same specific energy levels. Minerals Engineering, 27-28, 28-36. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.12.005
Vizcarra, T. G., Wightman, E. M., Johnson, N. W. and Manlapig, E. V. (2011). The effect of breakage method on the shape properties of an iron-oxide hosted copper-gold ore. Minerals Engineering, 24 (13), 1454-1458. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.07.007
Evans, C. L., Wightman, E. M., Manlapig, E. V. and Coulter, B. L. (2011). Application of process mineralogy as a tool for sustainable processing. Minerals Engineering, 24 (12), 1242-1248. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.03.017
Vizcarra, T. G., Harmer, S. L., Wightman, E. M., Johnson, N. W. and Manlapig, E. V. (2011). The influence of particle shape properties and associated surface chemistry on the flotation kinetics of chalcopyrite. Minerals Engineering, 24 (8), 807-816. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2011.02.019
Wang, Eric, Shi, Feng N. and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2011). Pre weakening of mineral ores by high voltage pulses. Minerals Engineering, 24 (5), 455-462. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2010.12.011
Vizcarra, T. G., Wightman, E. M., Johnson, N. W. and Manlapig, E. V. (2010). The effect of breakage mechanism on the mineral liberation properties of sulphide ores. Minerals Engineering, 23 (5), 374-382. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2009.11.012
Shi, F. N., Kojovic, T., Larbi-Bram, S. and Manlapig, M. (2009). Development of a rapid particle breakage characterisation device: The JKRBT.. Minerals Engineering, 22 (7-8), 602-612. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2009.05.001
Holuszko, M. E., Franzidis, J-P., Manlapig, E., Hampton, M. A., Donose, B. C. and Nguyen, A. V. (2008). The effect of surface treatment and slime coatings on ZnS hydrophobicity. Minerals Engineering, 21 (12-14), 958-966. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2008.03.006
Sanwani, E., Zhu, Y., Franzidis, J. P., Manlapig, E. V. and Wu, J. (2006). Comparison of gas hold-up distribution measurement in a flotation cell using capturing and conductivity techniques. Minerals Engineering, 19 (13), 1362-1372. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2006.01.006
Cowburn, J., Harbort, G., Manlapig, E. and Pokrajcic, Z. (2006). Improving the recovery of coarse coal particles in a Jameson cell. Minerals Engineering, 19 (6-8), 609-618. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2005.09.012
Seaman, D. R., Manlapig, E. V. and Franzidis, J. P. (2006). Selective transport of attached particles across the pulp-froth interface. Minerals Engineering, 19 (6-8), 841-851. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2005.10.020
Zheng, X, Franzidis, JP, Johnson, NW and Manlapig, E (2005). Modelling of entrainment in industrial flotation cells: the effect of solids suspension. Minerals Engineering, 18 (1), 51-58. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2004.06.002
Seaman, D. R., Franzidis, J. P. and Manlapig, E. V. (2004). Bubble load measurement in the pulp zone of industrial flotation machines - a new device for determining the froth recovery of attached particles. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 74 (1-4), 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.minpro.2004.04.001
Zheng, X., Franzidis, J. P. and Manlapig, E. (2004). Modelling of froth transportation in industrial flotation cells: Part I. Development of froth transportation models for attached particles. Minerals Engineering, 17 (9-10), 981-988. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2004.03.004
Alexander, D. J., Franzidis, J. P. and Manlapig, E. V. (2003). Froth recovery measurement in plant scale flotation cells. Minerals Engineering, 16 (11), 1197-1203. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2003.07.016
Vera, M. A., Mathe, Z. T., Franzidis, J. P., Harris, M. C., Manlapig, E. V. and O'Connor, C. T. (2002). The modelling of froth zone recovery in batch and continuously operated laboratory flotation cells. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 64 (2-3), 135-151. doi: 10.1016/S0301-7516(01)00068-0
Rahal, K, Manlapig, E and Franzidis, JP (2001). Effect of frother type and concentration on the water recovery and entrainment recovery relationship. Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, 18 (3), 138-141.
Pangum, LS, Glatthaar, JW and Manlapig, EV (2001). Process mineralogy of fluorosilicate minerals in OK Tedi ores. Minerals Engineering, 14 (12), 1619-1628. doi: 10.1016/S0892-6875(01)00180-7
Gorain, B. K., Franzidis, J., Ward, K., Johnson, N. W. and Manlapig, E. (2000). Modelling of the Mt Isa rougher-scavenger copper flotation circuit using size-by-liberation data. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing, 17 (3) 99-333, 173-180. doi: 10.1007/bf03402844
Vera, M. A., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (1999). Simultaneous determination of collection zone rate constant and froth zone recovery in a mechanical flotation environment. Minerals Engineering, 12 (10), 1163-1175. doi: 10.1016/S0892-6875(99)00103-X
Gorain, B. K., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (1999). The empirical prediction of bubble surface area flux in mechanical flotation cells from cell design and operating data. Minerals Engineering, 12 (3), 309-321. doi: 10.1016/S0892-6875(99)00008-4
Vera, M. A., Franzidis, J. P. and Manlapig, E. V. (1999). The JKMRC high bubble surface area flux flotation cell. Minerals Engineering, 12 (5), 477-484. doi: 10.1016/S0892-6875(99)00031-X
Gorain, B. K., Franzidis, J. P. and Manlapig, E. V. (1999). The empirical prediction of bubble surface area flux in mechanical flotation cells from cell design and operating data. Minerals Engineering, 12 (3), 309-322.
Gorain, B. K., Napier-Munn, T. J., Franzidis, J.-P and Manlapig, E. V. (1998). Studies on impeller type, impeller speed and air flow rate in an industrial scale flotation cell. Part 5: Validation of k - Sb relationship and effect of froth depth.. Minerals Engineering, 11 (7), 615-626. doi: 10.1016/S0892-6875(98)00046-6
Gorain, B. K., Napier-Munn, T. J., Franzidis, J. P. and Manlapig, E. V. (1998). Studies on impeller type, impeller speed and air flow rate in an industrial scale flotation cell. Part 5: Validation of k-Sb relationship and effect of froth depth. Minerals Engineering, 11 (7), 615-626.
Gorain B.K., Franzidis J.P. and Manlapig E.V. (1997). Studies on impeller type, impeller speed and air flow rate in an industrial scale flotation cell. Part 4: Effect of bubble surface area flux on flotation performance. Minerals Engineering, 10 (4), 367-379.
Gorain B.K., Franzidis J.-P. and Manlapig E.V. (1996). Studies on impeller type, impeller speed and air flow rate in an industrial scale flotation cell. Part 3: Effect on superficial gas velocity. Minerals Engineering, 9 (6), 639-654. doi: 10.1016/0892-6875(96)00052-0
Gorain, B.K, Franzidis, J.-P and Manlapig, E.V (1995). Studies on impeller type, impeller speed and air flow rate in an industrial scale flotation cell - Part 1: Effect on bubble size distribution. Minerals Engineering, 8 (6), 615-635. doi: 10.1016/0892-6875(95)00025-L
Gorain, B. K., Franzidis, J. P. and Manlapig, E. V. (1995). Studies on impeller type, impeller speed and air flow rate in an industrial scale flotation cell part 2: Effect on gas holdup. Minerals Engineering, 8 (12), 1557-1570. doi: 10.1016/0892-6875(95)00118-2
Conference Papers
Nguyen, A., Rodrigues, S., Manlapig, E., Nguyen, K. and Esterle, J. (2023). The Development of an Automated Method for Classifying Coal Banding from Core Images. 26th World Mining Congress, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 26-29 June 2023.
Avelar, E., Evans, C., Dunne, R., Runge, K. and Manlapig, E. (2021). The effect of pH and collector dosage on the flotation performance of arsenopyrite and pyrite. World Gold Hybrid Conference 2021, Muldersdrift, South Africa and Online, 16-17 August 2021. Johannesburg, South Africa: South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Tayebi-Khorami, M., Manlapig, E., Forbes, E. and Bradshaw, D. (2019). The effect of non-sulphide gangue minerals in enargite separation from other copper sulphides in complex ore systems. 29th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2018, Moscow, Russia, 17-21 September 2018. Montreal, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Zuo, Weiran, Shi, Fengnian and Manlapig, Emmy (2014). The effect of metalliferous grains on electrical comminution of ore. XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC 2014, Santiago, Chile, 20-24 October 2014. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin Digital Publications.
Edraki, Mansour, Huynh, Trang, Baumgartl, Thomas, Huang, Longbin, Andrusiewicz, Michal, Tungpalan, Kate, Tayebi-Khorami, Maedeh, Wightman, Elaine, Palaniandy, Sam, Manlapig, Emmanuel, Evans, Cathy, Farrokhpay, Saeed, Bradshaw, Dee and Vink, Sue (2014). Designer tailings: improving the management of tailings through collaborative research. AMD14: The Triennial 8th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 29 April–2 May, 2014. Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia: JKTech.
Resabal, Vannie J., Manlapig, Emmanuel, Evans, Catherine L. and Wightman, Elaine M. (2014). A method using 2-D images of particles obtained from SEM-based image analysis system to model mineral liberation in regrind stirred mills. 3rd International Symposium on Process Mineralogy (Process Mineralogy '14), Cape Town, South Africa, 17-19 November 2014. Minerals Engineering International.
Tungpalan, Djoan, Wightman, Elaine M. and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2014). Relating mineralogical and testural characteristics to flotation behaviour. 3rd International Symposium on Process Mineralogy (Process Mineralogy '14), Cape Town, South Africa, 17-19 November 2014. OXFORD: Minerals Engineering International. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2015.02.005
Stange, Wayne, Bye, Alan, Beaton, Nicholas, Groutsch, James and Manlapig, Emmy (2014). A roadmap for simulation. XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC 2014, Santiago, Chile, 20-24 October 2014. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin Digital Publications.
Shi, Fengnian, Krishnan, Narayan, von der Weid, Frederic, van der Wielen, Klaas, Zuo, Weiran and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2014). A potential application of high voltage pulse technology in a gold-copper ore grinding circuit. XXVII International Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC 2014, Santiago, Chile, 20-24 October 2014. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin Digital Publications.
Edraki, M., Huynh, T., Baumgartl, T., Huang, L., Andrusiewicz, M., Tungpalan, K., Tayebi-Khorami, M., Wightman, E., Palaniandy, S., Manlapig, E., Evans, C., Farrokhpay, S., Bradshaw, D. and Vink, S. (2014). Designer tailings – an integrated model for tailings management. Life-of-Mine 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 16-18 July 2014. Carlton, VIC, Australia: AUSIMM.
Shi, F., Manlapig, E. and Zuo, W. (2013). Research on electrical comminution by high voltage pulses undertaken at the JKMRC. ESCC2013: 13th European Symposium on Comminution and Classification, Braunschweig, Germany, 9-12 September, 2013. Göttingen, Germany: Sierke Verlag.
Edraki, Mansour, Huynh, Trang, Baumgartl, Thomas, Huang, Longbin, Andrusiewicz, Michal, Tungpalan, Kate, Tayebi-Khorami, Maedeh, Wightman, Elaine, Palaniandy, Sam, Manlapig, Emmanuel, Evans, Cathy, Farrokhpay, Saeed, Bradshaw, Dee and Vink, Sue (2013). Designing mine tailings through collaborative research. enviromine2013: 3rd International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining, Santiago, Chile, 4-6 December, 2013. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin.
Evans, Catherine L., Andrusiewicz, Michal M., Wightman, Elaine M., Brennan, Matthew S., Morrison, Robert D. and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2013). Simulating concentrators from feed to final products using a multi-component methodology. 2013 SME Annual Meeting & Exhibit (SME 2013) and CMA 115th National Western Mining Conference, Denver, CO, United States, 24-27 February 2013. Littleton, CO, United States: Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration.
Shi, Feng N., Weh, A., Manlapig, Emmanuel and Wang, Eric (2012). Recent developments in high voltage electrical comminution research and its potential applications in the mineral industry. XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress - IMPC 2012, New Delhi, India, 24-28 September 2012. New Delhi, India: Technowrites.
Shi, Fengnian, Mainza, A.N., Larbi-Bram, Stephen, Manlapig, Emmy and Ross, Victor (2011). Multicomponent ore breakage characterisation for Lonmin RoM mill troubleshooting. International Autogenous Grinding, Semiautogenous Grinding and High Pressure Grinding Rolls Technology 2011, Vancouver BC, Canada, 25-28 September, 2011. Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Wightman, Elaine M., Evans, Catherine L., Bradshaw, Dee J. and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2010). Predicting flotation response from liberation information. International Mineral Processing Congress 2010, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 6-10 September, 2010. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Vizcarra, Timothy, Wightman, Elaine M., Johnson, N. W. and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2010). The physical basis of non random breakage in an iron-oxide hosted copper gold ore. International Mineral Processing Congress 2010, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 6-10 September, 2010. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Kojovic, Toni, Shi, Feng N., Larbi-Bram, Stephen and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2010). Validation of the JKMRC rotary breakage tester (JKRBT) ore breakage characterisation device. International Mineral Processing Congress 2010, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 6-10 September, 2010. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Holuszko, M., Wightman, Elaine M. and Manlapig, Emmanuel (2010). Methods for improving the flotation recovery of the coarse fraction of a nickel ore. International Mineral Processing Congress 2010, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, 6-10 September, 2010. Carlton, VIC, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Shi, F., Kojovic, T., Larbi-Bram, S. and Manlapig, E. (2008). Using JKRBT for ore breakage characterization. Crushing and Grinding Conference, IIR, Perth, Australia, 27-29 August 2008.
Shi, F., Kojovic, T., Larbi-Bram, S. and Manlapig, E. (2008). Development of a new particle breakage characterisation device – the JKRBT. Comminution 2008 Conference, Falmouth, UK, 17-20 June 2008.
Shi, F. N., Kojovic, T., Larbi-Bram, S. and Manlapig, E. (2008). Recent developments in ore breakage characterization. XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress (XXIV IMPC), Beijing, China, 24-28 September 2008. Beijing, China: Science Press.
Kojovic, T., Shi, F., Larbi-Bram, S. and Manlapig, E. (2008). Julius Kruttschnitt Rotary Breakage Tester (JKRBT): Any ore, any mine.. MetPlant 2008, Perth WA, 18-19 August, 2008. Carlton, VIC: AusIMM.
Holuszko, M. E., Min, A., Manlapig, E. and Franzidis, J-P. (2008). The induction time on galena and sphalerite particles with different hydrophobicity characteristics. XXIV International Mineral Processing Congress (XXIV IMPC), Beijing, China, 24-28 September, 2008. Beijing China: Science Press.
Donose, B. C., Franzidis, J. P., Hampton, M. A., Holuszko, M. E., Manlapig, E. V. and Nguyen, A. V. (2007). Hydrophobic-hydrophilic effects on sphalerite. Symposium on Flotation Fundamentals: Physics and Chemistry, Cape Town, South Africa, 6-7 November 2007.
Brennan, M. S., Narasimha M., Rong, R. X., Holtham, P. N. and Manlapig, E. (2007). Multi-phase modelling of novel JK classifying cyclone: Assessment of performance characteristics. VII Meeting of the Southern Hemisphere on Mineral Technology, Ouro Preto, Brazil, 20-24 November, 2007. Ouro Preto, Brazil: Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.
Wightman, E. M., Zanin, M., Franzidis, J.-P. and Manlapig, E. V. (2007). Relating froth vision to cell operating performance in industrial flotation plants. Chemeca 2007, Sofitel, Melbourne, Australia, 23-26 September, 2007. Barton, ACT: Engineers Australia.
Coleman, R. G., Franzidis, J.-P. and Manlapig, E. (2007). Validation of the AMIRA P9 flotation model using the floatability characterisation test rig (FCTR). Ninth Mill Operators' Conference 2007, Fremantle, WA, Australia, 19-21 March, 2007. Carlton, VIC: AusIMM.
Cowburn, J., Harbort, G., Manlapig, E. and Pokrajcic, Z. (2006). Improving the recovery of coarse coal particles in a Jameson cell. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2005.09.012
Seaman, D. R., Manlapig, E. V. and Franzidis, J. P. (2006). Selective transport of attached particles across the pulp-froth interface. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2005.10.020
Reyes-Bahena, Juan Luis, Franzidis, Jean-Paul, Manlapig, Emmanuel, Lopez-Valdivieso, Alejandro and Ojeda-Escamilla, Ma. del Carmen (2006). Assessment of reagent and regrinding in a flotation circuit. XVI Congreso Internacional de Metalurgia Extractiva, Saltillo, Coah., Mexico, 26-28 April, 2006.
Hawkins, R. A. and Manlapig, E. (2006). Determining an appearance function for compressed bed breakage. XXIII IMPC, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-8 September, 2006. Istanbul, Turkey: Promed Advertising Agency.
Runge, K. C., Harris, C, Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2006). Conservation of floatability across processes in industrial flotation circuits. XXIII IMPC, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-8 September, 2006. Istanbul, Turkey: Promed Advertising Agency.
Harbort, G. J., Cowburn, J. and Manlapig, E. (2005). The effect of residence time and aeration on coal recovery within the high density zone of a flotation machine. Centenary of Flotation Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, 6-9 June 2005. Carlton South, Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).
Seaman, D. R., Manlapig, E. and Franzidis, J. (2005). Selective transport of attached particles across the pulp-froth interface. Centenary of Flotation Symposium, Brisbane, QLD, 6-9 June, 2005. Carlton South, Vic., Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).
Zheng, X., Franzidis, J., Johnson, N.W. and Manlapig, E. (2005). Modelling of froth transportation in an Outokumpu 3m3 tank cell. Centenary of Flotation Symposium, Brisbane, Qld, 6-9 June 2005. Carlton South, Vic., Australia: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).
Harbort, G. J., Cowburn, J. and Manlapig, E. (2004). Recovery interactions between the froth zone, pulp zone and downcomer within a Jameson cell. 10th Australian Coal Prep Conf., Pokolbin, NSW, 17-21 October, 2004. Australian Coal Prep Society Ltd..
Coleman, R. G., Franzidis, J.-P. and Manlapig, E. (2004). Using the floatability characterisation test rig for industrial flotation plant design. MetPlant 2004, Perth, WA, 6-7 September, 2004. Melbourne, VIC: AusIMM.
Runge, K. C., Manlapig, E. and Franzidis, J.-P. (2004). Optimisation of flotation pulp selectivity utilising nodal analysis. 36th Annual Meeting of the CMP, Ottawa, Canada, 20-22 January, 2004. Ottawa, Canada: CMP.
Seaman, D. R., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2004). Bubble load measurement in the pulp zone of industrial flotation machines - a new device for determining the froth recovery of attached particles. 36th Annual Meeting of the CMP, Ottawa, Canada, 20-22 January, 2004. Ottawa, Canada: CMP.
Runge, K. C., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2003). Structuring a flotation model for robust prediction of flotation circuit performance. IMPC 2003, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 Sept - 3 Oct, 2003. Marshalltown, South Africa: SAIMM.
Vianna, S. M. S., Franzidis, J., Manlapig, E., Silvester, E. and Ping - Hao, F. (2003). The influence of particle size and collector coverage on the floatability of galena particles in natural ore. IMPC 2003, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 Sept - 3 Oct, 2003. Marshalltown, South Africa: SAIMM.
Coleman, R. G., Esvelt, M., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2003). The floatability characterisation test rig as a pilot plant for flotation testing - an operator's viewpoint. Proceedings of the Eighth Mill Operators' Conf, Townsville, QLD, 22-23 July, 2003. Melbourne, VIC: AusIMM.
Runge, K. C., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2003). A study of the flotation characteristics of different mineralogical classes in different streams of an industrial circuit. IMPC 2003, Cape Town, South Africa, 29 Sept- 3 Oct, 2003. Marshalltown, South Africa: SAIMM.
Seaman, D. R., Franzidis, J.-P., Manlapig, E. V., Hernandez-Aguiler, J. R. and Finch, J. A. (2003). Determination of bubble surface load in the pulp zone of industrial flotation machines. Copper 2003-COBRE 2003, the 5th International Conference, Santiago, Chile, 30 November - 3 December, 2003. Montreal, Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Franzidis, J., Manlapig, E., Knopjes, B., Rahal, K. and Coleman, R. G. (2002). The Lonmin floatability characterisation test rig (FCTR) experience. 34th Annual Meeting of the CMP, Ottawa, Canada, 22-24 Jan 2002. Quebec, Canada: CMP.
Manlapig, E. and Franzidis, J. (2001). A framework for simulating the flotation process. 2001 A Mining Odyssey, Denver CO, 26 - 28 Feb 2001. Littleton CO: Soc. Mining Metallurgy and Exploration.
Vianna, S. M. S., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2001). The design and operation of a laboratory flotation rig for ore floatibility characterisation. VI Southern Hemisphere Meeting on Mineral Technology, Rio de Janeiro, 27 May - 1 June 2001. Rio de Janeiro: Corba Editora Artes Graficas.
Vera, M. A., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2001). Estimation of froth zone recovery in flotation cells. VI Southern Hemisphere Meeting on Mineral Technology, Rio de Janeiro, 27 May-1 June 2001. Rio de Janeiro: Corba Editora Artes Graficas.
Runge, K. C., Dunglison, M. E., Manlapig, E. and Franzidis, J. (2001). Floatability Component Modelling – A Powerful Tool for Flotation Circuit Diagnosis. Interactions in Mineral Processing, Toronto, Canada, 26-29 August 2001. Montreal, Canada: Canadian Inst. Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Runge, K. C., Manlapig, E. and Franzidis, J. (2001). Monte Carlo analysis of the floatibility component approach used for flotation modelling. VI Southern Hemisphere Meeting on Mineral Technology, Rio de Janeiro, 27 May - 1 June 2001. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Corba Editora Artes Graficas.
Rahal, K., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2000). Flotation plant modelling and simulation using the floatability characterisation test rig (FCTR). International Congress on Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (MINPREX 2000), Melbourne, Vic, 11-13 September 2000. Melbourne, Vic: AusIMM.
Rahal, K., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2000). The application of the floatability characterisation test rig (FCTR) in flotation research. 7th Mill Operators Conference (MOC), Kalgoorlie WA, 12-14 October 2000. Melbourne, Vic: AusIMM.
Vera, M. A., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2000). The locus of flotation performance. Rome, Italy, 23-27 July 2000. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science.
Vianna, S. M., Savassi, O. N., Franzidis, J-P. and Manlapig, E. V. (2000). A new laboratory flotation rig for ore floatability determination. Seventh Mill Operators' Conference, Kalgoorlie, WA, 12-14 October 2000. Melbourne, Vic: AusIMM.
Power, A., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2000). The characterisation of hydrodynamic conditions in industrial flotation cells. 7th Mill Operators Conference (MOC), Kalgoorlie, WA, 12-14 October 2000. Melbourne, Vic: AusIMM.
Alexander, D., Runge, K. C., Franzidis, J. and Manlapig, E. (2000). The application of multi-component floatability models to full-scale flotation circuits. 7th Mill Operators Conference (MOC), Kalgoorlie, WA, 12-14 October 2000. Melbourne, Vic: AusIMM.
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Franzidis, J., Manlapig, E. and Morrison, R. D. (1999). Modelling and control of flotation circuits. Mineral Processing and Hydrometallurgy Plant Design, Perth, WA, 2-3 November 1999. Glenside, SA: AMF.
Runge, K. C., Alexander, D. J., Franzidis, J-P., Morrison, R. D. and Manlapig, E. (1998). JKSimFloat - A tool for flotation modelling. AusIMM '98 Annual Conference, Mount Isa, Queensland, 19-23 April, 1998. Carlton, VIC: AusIMM: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Runge, K. , Harris, M.C., Frew, J.A. and Manlapig, E. (1997). Floatability of streams around the Cominco Red Dog lead cleaning circuit. 6th Mill Operators Conference, Madang, Papua New Guinea, October 1997. Melbourne, VIC: AusIMM: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Research Report
Manlapig, Emmy, Shi, Frank, Nguyen, Anh K., Jackson, John, Joan Esterle, Rodrigues, Sandra, Liu, Hongping and Pretorius, Sion (2018). Acquisition of coal quality by semi-automatic analysis of Corescan® HCI-3 system (hyperspectral) and other images. Australia: Australian Coal Association Research Program.
Manlapig, E. V. (1977). The dynamic behaviour and automatic control of a chalcopyrite flotation plant. PhD Thesis, School of Engineering, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/366041