Stephen Fraser is a structural geologist with interests, knowledge and skills in both the minerals exploration and mining domains. Stephen has worked for Riofinex (Saudi Arabia), CRA Exploration (Western Australia) and CSR Ltd (Queensland and Indonesia) before joining the CSIRO Remote Sensing Group. Stephen has capabilities in the areas of airborne and down-hole geophysics, geochemistry, remote sensing (mineral mapping) and in the display, interpretation and storage of spatially-located geoscientific data. His data analysis and interpretation skills led him to identify the opportunity to co-develop and commercialise a data mining and visualisation software package (SiroSOM), specifically to assist geoscientists with the integrated analysis of spatially located, disparate and complex data sets. Stephen’s interest in the integrated analysis of geophysics and geochemistry, led him to champion the opportunity and canvas industry support to develop next-generation elemental logging tools using nuclear methods. The “Common Mine Model”, is now being realised through adoption of communication and data exchange standards. Stephen has presented at numerous university and industry short courses in the areas of remote sensing, geophysical interpretation and data analysis; given invited keynote conference presentations on sensing, data analysis and concepts related to the Common Mine Model; and has also co-supervised various PhD, MSc and Honours students.