Dou Chang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Safety Engineering at the China University of Labour Relations. She is spending 12 months working with MISHC and partner agencies on developing a better understanding of the impacts respirable dust on workers.
Dou obtained her PhD in 2007 from the Department of Occupational Health and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing. She has undertaken research in Occupational and Environmental Health, Health promotion, Physical Factor-Noise, High temperature, Personal Protective Equipment and Rural Health. She has a special interest in the potential health impacts of particulate pollution. The research focuses on the effects of particulate matter exposure on lung function, blood pressure, telomere length, histone modification, blood 5-hydroxymethylation, expression of viral and human MicroRNAs in Blood, mitochondrial DNA copy number, and DNA Methylation of Tandem Repeats. She has published widely both in Chinese and English journals. Dou is spending 12 months working with MISHC and partner agencies on developing a better understanding of the impacts respirable dust on workers.
Researcher biography
Masters of Occupational Health and Environmental Health from Peking University, China
PhD of Occupational Health and Environmental Health from Peking University, China
Key Publications
Dou Chang, Shuling Wang, Jinliang Zhang, Sheng Wang. Effect of exposure to high temperatures during early pregnancy on hippocampal-dependent learning and memory integrity in neonatal rats. Toxicology and Industrial Health [J]. 2011, 27(5) :431–435.
Andrea Baccarelli, Francesco Barretta, Chang Dou, et al. Effects of particulate air pollution on blood pressure in a highly exposed population in Beijing, China: a repeated-measure study. Environmental Health [J]. 2011, 10(1):3575-3575.
Lifang Hou, Sheng Wang, Chang Dou, et al. Air pollution exposure and telomere length in highly exposed subjects in Beijing, China: A repeated-measure study. Environment International [J]. 2012,48:71-77.
Lifang Hou, Jitendra Barupal, Wei Zhang, Yinan Zheng, Lei Liu, Xiao Zhang, Chang Dou, et al. Particulate Air Pollution Exposure and Expression of Viral and Human MicroRNAs in Blood: The Beijing Truck Driver Air Pollution Study. Environmental Health Perspectives [J]. 2016,124(3):344-350.
Key Book Chapters
Sheng Wang, Dou Chang. Coronary Artery Diseases. InTech - Open Access Publisher. 2011
Sheng Wang, Dou Chang. Practice Occupational Health. Coal Industrial Press. 2017.
Dou Chang. Annual report on the status of Chinese Workers (2017). Social Science Academic Press. 2018