Vanessa Elliott has more than 15 years of experience in strategic leadership roles, with a background in sustainable development, corporate HR and corporate affairs driving and implementing strategic change across the business.
• In-depth knowledge of corporate and public sector organisations;
• extensive experience in Social Impact Assessments, Land Access Agreements, Community Development and Indigenous Affairs.
• Expertise in planning, researching, and evaluating public, community and government relations strategies and initiatives.
• Extensive experience in stakeholder management – builds and maintains a professional network of relationships within business, joint venture partners, community and local government.
• Widely regarded for her efforts in bringing about meaningful change in Indigenous development – included in 100 most influential women in WA’s Woman’s Hall of Fame.
• Strong communicator – drives change agenda through clear articulation of critical information including program benefits to a varied audience.
• Regularly represents company views at government and policy committees in addition to holding multiple committee positions.
Former Chair WA Chamber of Mineral & Energy Aboriginal Working Group.
Vanessa has worked on some of the major project developments in Australia across the resource industry, regional development and town planning. Specialising in the project life cycle - land access, regulatory approvals, social performance, local content and diversity and inclusion.
Summary or resource projects/commodities:
Gold - Boddington Gold Mine transition planning from construction to operations, and divestment of other assets.
Oil and gas - Browse Project and the Pluto /Northwest Shelf Operations.
Zinc - closure planning for Woodcutters and divestment of other assets.
Diamonds - Argyle diamond mine local content stakeholder engagement and regional skills and capability audit.