Roneel Narayan is a PhD candidate whose preliminary thesis topic is Plant Strategies for Tailings Management.
The focus of Roneel's research is to identify step-wise operational changes that deliver tailings management benefit. The research will aim to combine the research findings to provide significant overall value chain improvement in mine and plant operations. The potential impacts and opportunities of Coarse Particle Flotation (CPF) influence on tailings management will also be explored by collaborating with, and leveraging, CPF research.
Roneel has more than 10 years of heavy industry, plant maintenance and process engineering experience across various industries. A significant proportion of this experience revolved around process improvement, process optimisation, value chain analysis and implementing Lean production methodology across many different sectors. He has participated in, and managed, projects by researching, trialling, and implementing new improved industrial processes which provided added benefits of energy conservation, industrial waste reduction and reduced emissions.
Roneel holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of the South Pacific (USP) and has completed an MBA and Master of Project Management from The University of Southern Queensland (USQ).