Paul's research is focused on finding new and innovative ways to promote sustainable development in communities and regions impacted by the extractive industries, particularly the Development Minerals Sector, in the Asia-Pacific region.

Paul has been involved in numerous large research projects focused on sustainable development for a range of government, industry, international donor and civil society clients. He has worked on projects for the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, United Nations Development Programme, International Council on Mining and Metals, Natural Resource Governance Institute, and companies such as Rio Tinto. His current research projects include a study on regional minerals cooperation in Southeast Asia for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and a project on sourcing sustainable aggregate for the infrastructure sectors in Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Paul is a human geographer with over 20 years’ experience in academia and the private sector working in the areas of impact assessment, stakeholder engagement, sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). His background includes academic teaching and applied research, financial services advisory on Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk, and doctoral research on the impacts of large natural resource development projects in Indonesia. Currently, Paul works in the Global Centre for Mineral Security at the Sustainable Minerals Institute leading projects on the sustainable sourcing of Development Minerals in the Pacific, Southeast Asia, and other regions.  


Paul has an extensive track record of winning contracts and managing large research projects funded by industry, including the International Council on Mining and Metals, Rio Tinto, Ok Tedi Mining Ltd, South32, Newmont Corporation, MMG, Vale Minerals, and Newcrest Mining.


Paul has worked on a number of collaborative projects with international academic institutions, most recently with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in Indonesia on a DFAT-funded project to design tools to incorporate social and environmental factors into large scale mineral infrastructure development in Indonesia.


2020 $330,000 – Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Strengthening ASEAN Cooperation in Minerals

2018 $129,000 – South32. Design and implementation of a social baseline study and workforce intention survey for the GEMCO mine in the Northern Territory, Australia

2017 $66,000 – United Nations Development Program. Integrated environmental and social baseline in Mandalay region of Myanmar

2016 $528,000 – Vale Minerals Malaysia. Provision of professional and contract management services for the Vale Malaysia Minerals corporate social responsibility program in Malaysia (2016-2018)

2015 $74,000 – Natural Resource Governance Institute. Natural Resource Charter benchmarking exercise in Myanmar

2014 $500,000 – Papua New Guinea Mineral Resources Authority. Three year training and capacity building program for Development Coordination Division staff

2014 $140,000 – International Council on Mining and Metals. Update of the Indigenous Peoples and Mining Good Practice Guide

2014 $149, 966 – Australian Agency for International Development / Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Australia-Indonesia Infrastructure Research Award (AIIRA) (Stage 2)

2013 $14,975 – Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). Australia-Indonesia Infrastructure Research Award (AIIRA) (Stage 1)

2013 $70,000 – International Council on Mining and Metals. Evaluation of the Mining Partnerships for Development Toolkit