Industry Professor Susan is the Director, of SMI's Leading for High Reliability Centre. Her previous roles at SMI include as program lead for the Leadership and Organisational Improvement strategic research program, chair of the Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre (MISHC) Advisory Board and as an Associate Professor with MISHC.

Susan has spent more than 25 years working to improve mine safety outcomes in Australia and elsewhere. She has led major safety reviews including: the 2019 Expert Legal Assessments of Queensland mining safety law; the sector-wide Review of Mine Safety in New South Wales; and the tripartite assessment of Queensland mine safety following the Moura No. 2 disaster.

Susan is a former Chief Executive of the Queensland Resources Council, and global, and national Head of Safety for the then Anglo Coal. She has also held a variety of safety related roles in other industries including as Commissioner for Patient Safety on the Queensland Health Quality and Complaints Commission, and as a member of the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority Advisory Board.

In her capacity as a consultant, Susan provides advice on safety leadership, safety performance, and safety regulation to industry, government, and union clients.