Artisanal and Small Scale Mining
Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (ASM) is one of the oldest forms of income generation in mineral rich developing countries. Traditionally identified as low capital-high labour intensive and employing rudimentary equipment and mining techniques, ASM is most significantly distinguished from industrial mining by poor safety, health and environment conditions as well as low levels of production. The absence of recorded health and safety data combined with lack of knowledge and training opportunities for those working in the sector means interventions aimed at reducing injury and improving work practices are challenging. MISHC staff have been engaged to develop appropriate content and provide “in country “ health and safety training programs to small scale gold, precious stone, quarry and coal miners and the regulatory departments overseeing these activities in Ghana, Madagascar, Mongolia, Guyana, Fiji and Papua and New Guinea. This work has been funded by a number of organisations including the federally funded International Mining for Developing Countries (IM4DC) project, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank. MISHC continues to seek opportunities to provide interrelated workplace and community based training programs essential to the health and safety needs of the ASM sector.