SMI 3MT Virtual Heat Competition

PhD Student Andrea Shaw presenting her Three Minute Thesis at the 2019 Institute Finals.

 Register your Interest to Compete!

Due to the worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, increasing social distancing measures and public gathering restrictions being implemented, the decision has been made to move the 2020 UQ 3MT Competition to a virtual format (video submission). 

The Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) invites all active SMI PhD and Professional Doctorate (Research) candidates to participate in the 2020 Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Virtual Competition.

The 3MT is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to describe their research within three minutes to a general audience. 3MT celebrates the discoveries made by research students and encourages you to communicate the importance of your research to the broader community.

Over 300 UQ HDR students participated in the competition in 2019. Don’t miss this opportunity to practise your presentation skills, meet other HDR candidates, and have a chance to win up to $8,000 in prizes!

The SMI 3MT Virtual Heat will be held 30 July 2020, and we would like to encourage all students to participate. Further information to come in relation to the confirmed date, time and virtual location.

The winning students will progress to the Combined Institutes Final (date to be released) to compete for a spot in the Wildcard Competition on Thursday, 27 August 2020, then onto the UQ 3MT Final on Wednesday, 16 September 2020. The winner of the UQ 3MT Final will progress to represent UQ at the Asia-Pacific Competition on Thursday, 1 October 2020. 

To learn more about the competition history, rules, and gain valuable preparation tips, visit the 3MT website or email 3MT for further information.

It is now compulsory for all competitors to pre-record and upload their 3MT presentations for the 3MT Virtual Competition. Find out more about virtual competition rules and the virtual competitor guide.

UQ 3MT Virtual Information and Resources Page
To find out more information and to download the 3MT Virtual Handbook, click here. This link will provide HDR Candidates with important information from the 3MT Information Sessions.

Previous UQ Finalist's Presentations
To view previous UQ finalist's presentations online, click here. See the winning SMI presentations in 2017 by Gemma Bloomfield and in 2019 by Andrea Shaw.

Please note MPhil and pre-confirmation PhD candidates are also eligible to participate in the UQ 3MT competition up to Faculty/Institute finals but cannot advance to the UQ 3MT Final.

To register as a competitor for the 2020 3MT SMI Heat Virtual Competition, complete the relevant form by clicking the register button below.