Resource development health study seeks public help

2 Oct 2013

Time is running out for southern and central Queensland residents to contribute to a study on the potential health impacts of natural resource development.

Researchers at The University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute and James Cook University are investigating how health conditions and symptoms might be connected to mining, gas extraction and agricultural development.

PhD student Angela Werner said the research team had posted surveys to more than 3500 families in southern and central Queensland in an effort to learn more about how people’s health has changed in recent years.

Residents have been identified across three areas of development: 

· Agriculture (Augathella, Charleville, Cunnamulla, Quilpie)
· Coal (Blackwater, Dysart, Emerald)
· CSG (Chinchilla, Dalby, Injune, Miles, Roma, Tara, Taroom).

“There is very little research about how resource development might influence physical and emotional health in adults and children, and it is crucial that we understand that better,” Ms Werner said.




“We are hoping to survey each member of each household to ensure separate information is collected on everyone who lives there – children, parents and grandparents.”

“We are trying to build an accurate picture of health in these regions so even if you think you have nothing interesting to say, it is important that you complete the survey.”

Co-supervisor Associate Professor Sue Vink said study participants had been selected randomly across the three research regions.  

“While we understand many community members are feeling the effects of consultation fatigue, this independent objective research is vital in informing public health research,” she said.

“The survey is confidential and no personal details are recorded.”

Surveys should be returned to Angela Werner at: The Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, QLD 4072
