Today the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) hosted the launch of Rio Tinto's "Why Agreements Matter" guide.
This is the fourth guide Rio Tinto has developed in partnership with the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM), part of the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) located at The University of Queensland (UQ). Other guides include "Why gender matters", Why cultural heritage matters" and "Why human rights matter".
Professor Marcia Langton partnered with CSRM as a senior consulting author and collaborator to assist in the development of the the publication. Other notable guests in attendance today included Rio Tinto's Janina Gawler, Global Practice Leader, Communities & Social Performance, UQ's Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Cindy Shannon and CSRMs Adjunct Professor Bruce Harvey.
Joanne Farrell, Global Head of Rio Tinto's Health, Safety, Environment and Communities section together with Professor David Brereton, Director of the People Centres at SMI offically launched the guide at Brisbane's Customs House.