Seeing beneath the blanket – novel tools for exploration under cover
26 October 2023 2:30pm–5:00pm
Hydrogeochemistry, paleotopography, biogeochemistry, mapping of resistate indicator minerals; these are all new, or old-but-new-again techniques to help the perpetual challenge of mineral targeting and exploration under cover.
Join us for the last webinar of 2023 as we explore new initiatives for undercover exploration.
Panel Speakers:
- Sebastian (Seb) Wong, Activity Leader, 3D Geoscience Integration Team - Geoscience Australia
- Ryan Noble, Group Leader / Senior Principal Research Scientist - CSIRO
- Joseph Tang, Principal Geochemist - Geological Survey of Queensland
- Robert (Rob) Thorne, Senior Researcher - CSIRO
- Brandon Mahan, Lecturer, Geochemistry - James Cook University, Earth and Environmental Science
- Imam Purwadi , PhD Candidate – The University of Queensland, Sustainable Minerals Institute
- Luke Pickering, Exploration Geologist - South32
About GSQ-UQ Webinar Series 2023
Welcome to the Geological Survey of Queensland and The University of Queensland (GSQ-UQ) 2023 webinar series, a collaborative series of webinar and workshops.
Jointly curated by GSQ and UQ's Sustainable Minerals Institute, the main goal of the series is to find new ways to support the minerals industry in Queensland, think about new techniques, and help define new and exciting targets.