GSQ-UQ Webinar Series 2023

Welcome to the Geological Survey of Queensland and The University of Queensland (GSQ-UQ) 2023 webinar series, a collaborative series of webinar and workshops.

Jointly curated by GSQ and UQ's Sustainable Minerals Institute, the main goal of the series is to find new ways to support the minerals industry in Queensland, think about new techniques, and help define new and exciting targets.

The University of Queensland and Queensland Government logos





View past webinars


SMI Communications
Evan Marshall, Geological Survey of Queensland, Department of Resources
+61 499 432 635

Seeing beneath the blanket – novel tools for exploration under cover

26 October 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
Join us for the last webinar of 2023 as we explore new initiatives for undercover exploration.

Indigenous groups of key exploration areas

28 September 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
This webinar seeks to bring together the geologists and explorers with their First Nations counterparts for an afternoon of stories and culture of the land.

PhD Student Session

31 August 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
Shining the spotlight on current and future stars of geology, geophysics and more, with a focus on cutting edge geoscience research on Queensland’s mineral resources.

Collaborative Exploration Initiaitve – Update and successes

27 July 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
Don’t miss out on these talks from innovative and adventurous explorers in Queensland, as they provide updates on the successes achieved through Round 6 of CEI.

All about the Toolebuc

25 May 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
This webinar will help unpack the Toolebuc’s history, critical mineral potential and so much more.

Future risks in mining and exploration

27 April 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
Highlighting the key exploration risks and opportunities for 2023 and beyond.

Women leading exploration 2

30 March 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
Hear from ground-breaking female leaders in mining and exploration as they share their stories, experiences and challenges for the future.

Geochronology in Mineral Discovery

23 February 2023 2:30pm5:00pm
This webinar will discuss how Queensland rocks are related and what geological events they may have been a part of.