This new world class facility provides the platform for a number of mineralogy laboratories to service the needs of the Centre, utilising a range of tools including MLA systems, x-ray tomographs, optical microscopes, mini XRF system, XRD unit, electron microprobe etc.etc
The MCRF also provides an extension of our testing capabilities in flotation, breakage characterisation and sizing analysis to support the undergoing work at the centre.
Flotation characterisation involves batch or continuous flotation testing on flotation machines developed and built on our workshops. Flotation testing is performed at small and large scale. Our bottom driven machines are able to handle cells of up to 5 litres of capacity.
Comminution Testing, involves testing the breakage characteristics of rocks in a wide range of size from 60mm down to below 1 under compression, impact, or abrasion, to determine the distribution of particles strength and size distribution of the progeny. Novel comminution can also be performed in JKMRC’s Selfrag High Voltage lab unit.
Sizing analyses by producing size distribution of ore samples using different sizing techniques including dry and wet sieving, cyclosizing and laser-sizing.