Diana is a researcher and consultant working on the social aspects of extractive projects, with a particular interest in the dynamics of social and armed conflict in mining regions.  

In 2020, Diana was the recipient of a Rotary Peace Fellowship, competitively allocated to mid-career leaders in the fields of development and peace, for intensive training on conflict analysis and resolution at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. Her PhD, awarded in 2019, dealt with indigenous responses to mining in the Colombian post-conflict transition. In 2017, Diana spent a term as visiting Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), thanks to the award of an Australian Government Endeavour Fellowship. During her PhD years, Diana also provided consultancy services to philanthropic foundations and mining companies in the areas of natural resource governance and stakeholder engagement.  

Diana was Research Manager for Latin America, Research Fellow and Research Manager at CSRM. Her doctoral work follows from her collaboration with Colombian indigenous and afro-descendant organizations, Colombian academics and the USAID Human Rights Program, on a project on social inclusion in mining policy-making financed by the Ford Foundation (see Spanish project page / English Summary poster). At UQ, Diana has also led research on the political and institutional dimensions of mining environmental impact study approvals that brought together specialist from eight countries in the Americas. She has been active in research on company-community conflict, the social impacts of mine closure and indigenous employment in mining in various countries including Australia, Colombia, Peru and Papua New Guinea. Diana retains an affiliation with UQ as an Industry Fellow.  


Researcher biography

Prior to joining UQ, Diana worked for nine years in progressing the sustainability agenda in the investment sector in Australia in Environmental, Social and Governance analyst roles with both Regnan and Monash University. During six of those years she concentrated solely on analysis of publicly listed mining companies. Diana also worked in environmental economics and community capacity building and development planning in Colombia.

Diana is a dual Colombian-Australian citizen based in Brisbane, Australia. Before her PhD, she completed Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Industrial Engineering, a Masters of Environmental Science, a Post-graduate Diploma in Development Studies and a Graduate Certificate in Anthropology.  

Latest Publications -

Promoviendo la Inclusión Social en la Planeación Minera Nacional: reflexiones y aprendizajes

Análisis del Plan Nacional de Ordenamiento Minero de Colombia: una lectura crítica desde la inclusión social

Jornada de Trabajo: Política Minera, Derechos y Territorio - Memorias

Conversatorio: La Inclusión Social en las Políticas y Planes Públicos para el Sistema Minero de Colombia - Memorias

Dialogue, conflict and regulatory processes in environmental impact studies for mining projects: learning from the Peruvian experience in the Latin American context