Dr Nathan Fox
Senior Research Fellow
+61 7 3365 5831

Dr Nathan Fox is a multidisciplinary geoscientist specialising in the characterisation of economic resources for applications across the mining chain including exploration, geometallurgy, geoenvironmental assessment and remining.
A strong background in evaluating mineralogical and geochemical zonation in and around ore forming systems, particularly porphyry Au-Cu, Sn-W and VHMS deposits. Passionate about the application of emerging and innovative technologies for exploration, improved resource characterisation and extraction throughout the mining life cycle
Book Chapters
Jackson, L. M., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Fox, N., Cooke, D. R., Harris, A. C., Meffre, S., Danyushevsky, L., Goemann, K., Rodemann, T., Gloy, G. and Savinova, E. (2018). Assessing geo-environmental risk using intact materials for early life-of-mine planning - a review of established techniques and emerging tools. From start to finish – a life-of-mine perspective. (pp. 9-26) edited by Cherie McCullough, Bruce Harvey, Corinne Unger, Jan Coetzee and Stuart Winchester. Carlton, VIC Australia: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Fox, Nathan, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita and Lottermoser, Bernd (2017). Prediction of metal mobility from sulfidic waste rocks using micro-analytical tools, Spray, Tasmania. Environmental indicators in metal mining. (pp. 263-277) edited by Bernd Lottermoser. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42731-7_15
Fox, Nathan, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita and Lottermoser, Bernd (2017). Prediction of metal mobility from sulfidic waste rocks using micro-analytical tools, baal gammon, Northern Australia. Environmental Indicators in Metal Mining. (pp. 243-262) edited by Bernd Lottermoser. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42731-7_14
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Hunt, Julie, Lottermoser, Bernd, van Veen, Eleanor M. and Fox, Nathan (2017). Prediction of leachate quality for a gossan dump, Angostura, Spain. Environmental indicators in metal mining. (pp. 221-241) edited by Bernd Lottermoser. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42731-7_13
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Fox, Nathan, Moltzen, Jake and Lottermoser, Bernd (2017). Chemical staining techniques for drill core characterization. Environmental indicators in metal mining. (pp. 97-114) edited by Bernd Lottermoser. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42731-7_6
Journal Articles
McNulty, Brian A., Gemmell, J. Bruce, Davidson, Garry and Fox, Nathan (2022). Integrated stratigraphy, lithofacies, and U–Pb geochronology of the Myra Falls VHMS deposits, British Columbia, Canada: implications for episodic volcanism and ore deposit formation. Mineralium Deposita, 58 (2), 307-335. doi: 10.1007/s00126-022-01124-0
Hong, Wei, Cooke, David R., Zhang, Lejun, Fox, Nathan and Thompson, Jay (2021). The formation of magmatic-hydrothermal features in Sn-mineralized and barren Tasmanian intrusions, Southeast Australia: insights from quartz textures, trace elements, and microthermometry. Economic Geology, 116 (8), 1917-1947. doi: 10.5382/ECONGEO.4853
Hong, Wei, Fox, Nathan, Cooke, David R., Zhang, Lejun and Fayek, Mostafa (2020). B- and O-isotopic compositions of tourmaline constrain late-stage magmatic volatile exsolution in Tasmanian tin-related granite systems. Mineralium Deposita, 55 (1), 63-78. doi: 10.1007/s00126-019-00885-5
McNulty, Brian A., Fox, Nathan and Gemmell, J. Bruce (2020). Assessing hydrothermal alteration intensity in volcanic-hosted massive sulfide systems using portable X-ray fluorescence analysis of drill core: an example from Myra falls, Canada. Economic Geology, 115 (2), 443-453. doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4714
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Gilmour, Sarah, Fox, Nathan and Olin, Paul (2019). Geometallurgical characterization of non-ferrous historical slag in western Tasmania: identifying reprocessing options. Minerals, 9 (7) 415, 415. doi: 10.3390/min9070415
Gregory, Daniel D., Cracknell, Mathew J., Large, Ross R., McGoldrick, Peter, Kuhn, Stephen, Maslennikov, Valery V., Baker, Michael J., Fox, Nathan, Belousov, Ivan, Figueroa, Maria C., Steadman, Jeffrey A., Fabris, Adrian J. and Lyons, Timothy W. (2019). Distinguishing ore deposit type and barren sedimentary pyrite using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry trace element data and statistical analysis of large data sets. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 114 (4), 771-786. doi: 10.5382/econgeo.4654
Hong, Wei, Cooke, David R., Zhang, Lejun, Fox, Nathan and Thompson, Jay (2019). Cathodoluminescence features, trace elements, and oxygen isotopes of quartz in unidirectional solidification textures from the Sn-mineralized Heemskirk Granite, western Tasmania. The American Mineralogist, 104 (1), 100-117. doi: 10.2138/am-2019-6534
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Fox, Nathan, Jackson, Laura and Cornelius, Rebekah (2018). Forecasting Geoenvironmental Risks: Integrated Applications of Mineralogical and Chemical Data. Minerals, 8 (12) 541, 541. doi: 10.3390/min8120541
McNulty, Brian A., Fox, Nathan, Berry, Ron F. and Gemmell, J. Bruce (2018). Lithological discrimination of altered volcanic rocks based on systematic portable X-ray fluorescence analysis of drill core at the Myra Falls VHMS deposit, Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 193, 1-21. doi: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2018.06.005
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Fox, Nathan, Hill, Roger, Ferguson, Tony and Maynard, Ben (2018). Improved mine waste characterisation through static blended test work. Minerals Engineering, 116, 132-142. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2017.09.011
Hong, Wei, Cooke, David R., Huston, David L., Maas, Roland, Meffre, Sebastien, Thompson, Jay, Zhang, Lejun and Fox, Nathan (2017). Geochronological, geochemical and Pb isotopic compositions of Tasmanian granites (southeast Australia): controls on petrogenesis, geodynamic evolution and tin mineralisation. Gondwana Research, 46, 124-140. doi: 10.1016/j.gr.2017.03.009
Fox, N., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Moltzen, J., Feig, S., Goemann, K. and Huntington, J. (2017). Applications of hyperspectral mineralogy for geoenvironmental characterisation. Minerals Engineering, 107, 63-77. doi: 10.1016/j.mineng.2016.11.008
Hong, Wei, Cooke, David R., Zhang, Lejun, Fox, Nathan and Thompson, Jay (2017). Tourmaline-rich features in the Heemskirk and Pieman Heads granites from western Tasmania, Australia: characteristics, origins, and implications for tin mineralization. American Mineralogist, 102 (4), 876-899. doi: 10.2138/am-2017-5838
van Veen, E. M., Lottermoser, B. G., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Fox, N. and Hunt, J. (2016). A new test for plant bioaccessibility in sulphidic wastes and soils: a case study from the Wheal Maid historic tailings repository in Cornwall, UK. Science of the Total Environment, 563, 835-844. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.01.054
Fox, Nathan, Cooke, David R., Harris, Anthony C., Collett, Dean and Eastwood, Graeme (2015). Porphyry Au-Cu mineralization controlled by reactivation of an arc-transverse volcanosedimentary subbasin. Geology, 43 (9), 811-814. doi: 10.1130/g36992.1
Harris, Anthony C., Percival, Ian G., Cooke, David R., Tosdal, Richard M., Fox, Nathan, Allen, Charlotte M., Tedder, Ian, McMillan, Colin, Dunham, Paul and Collett, Dean (2014). Marine volcanosedimentary basins hosting porphyry Au-Cu deposits, Cadia Valley, New South Wales, Australia. Economic Geology, 109 (4), 1117-1135. doi: 10.2113/econgeo.109.4.1117
Conference Papers
Mejías, Olivia, Valenzuela, Martin, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Townley, Brian, Jackson, Laura and Fox, Nathan (2022). Workflows for evaluating critical metals using handheld LIBS. XII World Conference On Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Italy, 5-9 September 2022.
Saez Salgado, Enrique , Parbhakar-Fox, Anita , Fox, Nathan , Baumgartner, Regina and Valenta, Rick (2022). Determining the geoenvironmental properties of non-ore material at the Quebrada Blanca porphyry Cu-Mo deposit using hyperspectral mineralogy. SEG 2022 Minerals For Our Future, Denver, CO, United States, 27-30 August 2022. Littleton, CO, United States: Society of Economic Geologists .
Mejías, Olivia, Valenzuela, Martin, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Townley, Brian, Jackson, Laura and Fox, Nathan (2022). Handheld LIBS analysis and workflows for assessing critical metals in mine waste – a focus on In and Co. 7th International Symposium on Sustainable Minerals (Sustainable Minerals '22), Virtual, 11-13 July 2022.
Gow, Paul, McGovern, Jenna, Vilhena, Juliana, Aivazpourporgou, Sasha, Esser, Dave, Fox, Nathan and Valenta, Rick (2022). NE Queensland deposit atlas. Mines & Wines 2022, Discoveries in the Tasmanides, Orange, NSW, Australia, 11 - 13 May 2022. Kensington, WA, Australia: Australian Institute of Geoscientists.
Mejías, Olivia, Valenzuela, Martín, Townley, Brian, Fox, Nathan, Jackson, Laura and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2022). Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analysis applied to indium-bearing minerals and textures at the Baal Gammon polymetallic deposit, Australia.. 16th SGA Biennial Meeting 2022, Virtual, 28-31 March 2022. Rotorua, New Zealand: Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits.
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita and Fox, Nathan (2019). Utilising automated mineralogy and accelerated static tests to enhance kinetic testing evaluations. 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 August 2019. Geneva, Switzerland: Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits.
Cracknell, M., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Jackson, L., Fox, N. and Savinova, E. (2019). Automated identification of sulphides from drill core imagery. PACRIM 2019, Auckand, New Zealand, 3-5 April 2019. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: AusIMM.
Fox, Nathan (2019). Evaluating processing attributes using hyperspectral mineralogy. 15th SGA Biennial Meeting on Life with Ore Deposits on Earth, Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30 August 2019 . Geneva, Switzerland: SGA.
Fox, Nathan, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita and Gloy, G (2019). X-ray based technologies for geometallurgical characterisation. PACRIM 2019, Auckand, New Zealand, 3-5 April 2019. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: AusIMM.
Gilmour, S., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Olin, P. and Fox, N. (2018). Geometallurgical characterisation of non-ferrous historical slag in Tasmania: determining reprocessing options. Process Mineralogy '18, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-21 November 2018. IMWA.
Jackson, Laura Marie;, Parbhakar-Fox, Anita;, Fox, Nathan, Cooke, David R;, Harris, Anthony; and Savinova, Ekaterina (2018). Integrating hyperspectral analysis and mineral chemistry for geoenvironmental prediction. 11th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, Pretoria, South Africa, 10-14 September 2018. Pretoria, South Africa: International Mine Water Association.
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Fox, Nathan, Maynard, Ben, Ferguson, Tony and Hill, Roger (2018). Dissection of the NAG pH Test: Tracking Efficacy Through Examining Reaction Products. International Conference for Acid Rock Drainage, Pretoria, South Africa , 10-14 September 2018. Pretoria, South Africa: IMWA/ICARD.
Parbhakar-Fox, A., Clifton, R. and Fox, N. (2017). Evaluating applications of bed and fly ash for controlling acid and metalliferous drainage - examples from Tasmanian mine sites. Ninth Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Burnie, TAS Australia, 20-23 November 2017. St Lucia, QLD Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Jackson, L., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Fox, N., Cooke, D.R., Harris, A.C. and Savinova, E. (2017). Intrinsic neutralisation potential from automated drillcore logging for improved geoenvironmental domaining. Ninth Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Burnie, Tasmania, Australia, 20-23 November 2017. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland.
Fox, N., Parbhakar-Fox, A. and Somers, A. (2017). Microanalytical techniques for characterising critical metal deportment in mine materials. Process Mineralogy ‘17, Cape Town, South Africa, 20-22 March 2017.
McLaine, R., Parbhakar-Fox, A., Fox, N. and Reid, M. (2017). Determining bioaccessibility risks at the historic Aberfoyle tailings site, northeast Tasmania opportunities for effective rehabilitation. Ninth Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Burnie, Tasmania, 20-23 November 2017.
Fox, N., Parbhakar-Fox, A. and Moltzen, J. (2016). Applications of hyperspectral mineralogy for geoenvironmental characterisation. Sustainable Minerals '16, Cornwall, United Kingdom, 23-24 June 2016.
Data Collection
Gow, Paul, Valenta, Rick and Fox, Nathan (2020). NW Mineral Province 3D Deposit Atlas - Osborne and Kulthor. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.14264/uql.2020.1
Research Reports
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita, Fox, Nathan, Jackson, Laura and Blannin, Rosie (2024). Mt Isa Tailings Reprocessing Study Initiation- Phase A1 Stream 1 report. St Lucia, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.
Fox, Nathan and Parbhakar-Fox, Anita (2022). Assessing Recommercialisation Potential at the Mary Kathleen mine, Queensland. Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland.
Parbhakar-Fox, Anita and Fox, Nathan (2020). Geometallurgical characterisation of future mine tailings, Alpala porphyry Cu-Au Project: Final Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: UQ.
Gow, Paul and Fox, Nathan (2019). NW Mineral Deposit Atlas - Roseby. Brisbane, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Gow, Paul and Fox, Nathan (2019). NW Mineral Deposit Atlas - Mary Kathleen. Brisbane, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Fox, Nathan and Gow, Paul (2019). NW Mineral Deposit Atlas - Dugald River. Brisbane, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Gow, Paul and Fox, Nathan (2019). NW Mineral Deposit Atlas - Kalman. Brisbane, Australia: Sustainable Mineral Institute.
Fox, Nathan and Gow, Paul (2019). NW Mineral Deposit Atlas - Rocklands. Brisbane, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Fox, Nathan, Gow, Paul and Valenta, Rick (2019). NW Mineral Province Deposit Atlas - George Fisher. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Gow, Paul, Fox, Nathan and Valenta, Rick (2019). NW Mineral Province Deposit Atlas - Gunpowder. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Fox, Nathan, Gow, Paul and Valenta, Rick (2019). NW Mineral Province Deposit Atlas. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Gow, Paul, Valenta, Rick and Fox, Nathan (2019). NW Mineral Province Deposit Atlas - Osborne and Kulthor. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.
Fox, Nathan, Gow, Paul and Valenta, Rick (2019). NW Mineral Province Deposit Atlas - Eloise. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Sustainable Minerals Institute.