Sarah Shalsi is a social researcher focusing on water resources management and governance.

Sarah is currently pursuing her PhD with the Sustainable Minerals Institute at The University of Queensland.  Her PhD aims to design a conceptual framework that captures the multiple social, economic, and environmental values created from beneficially reusing water produced from coal seam gas extractions. This framework is being applied to a case study in Queensland’s Surat Basin using stakeholder participation GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping. The implications of Sarah’s research can contribute to drawing lessons on the co-existence of energy and farming operations and offering a practical mechanism to include stakeholder values in decision-making to meet policy objectives.

Prior to her PhD, Sarah has worked with the International Water Management Institute and the Australian National University on the implementation of Managed Aquifer Recharge schemes in the Indo-Gangetic plain. Other research includes the role institutions and collective action plays in successful groundwater management in Australia.

Sarah has a BA in Economics and Philosophy from the University of York and an MSc in Energy and Natural Resources Management from University College London.


The University of Queensland Scholarship for PhD Candidature


Associate Professor Glen CorderDr Kathy Witt & Dr Kamila Svobodova.


Shalsi, S., Ordens, C.M., Curtis, A., Simmons C.T (2022) Coming together: insights from an Australian example of collective action to co-manage groundwater. Journal of Hydrology 

Pavelic P., Alam M.F., Chinnasamy P., Eriyagama N., Gangopadhyay P., Govindan M., Jha S.K., Kant L., Karthikeyan B., Mishra V.K., Mutuwatte L., Reddy R. V., Shalsi S., Sharma B.R., Sharma N., Sikka A., Smakhtin V., Verma C.L., Villholth K.G. (2021). In Zheng, Y., Ross, A., Villholth, K.G. and Dillon, P. (eds.), 2021. Managing Aquifer Recharge: A Showcase for Resilience and Sustainability. Paris, UNESCO 

Pavelic, P., Sikka, A., Alam, M. F., Sharma, B. R., Muthuwatta, L., Eriyagama, N.,Shalsi, S., … Smakhtin, V. (2021). Utilizing floodwaters for recharging depleted aquifers and sustaining irrigation: lessons from multi-scale assessments in the Ganges River Basin, India.

Ratna Reddy, V., Rout, S. K., Shalsi, S., Pavelic, P., & Ross, A. (2020). Managing underground transfer of floods for irrigation: A case study from the Ramganga basin, India. Journal of Hydrology, 583, 124518.

Shalsi, S., Ordens, C. M., Curtis, A., & Simmons, C. T. (2019). Can collective action address the “tragedy of the commons” in groundwater management? Insights from an Australian case study. Hydrogeology Journal, 27(7), 2471–2483.