Industrial ecology, the circular economy and sustainability risk management frameworks in the mining and minerals industry

Glen's research focused on the area of responsible resource use and processing. He has had extensive experience leading large multi-year industry-focussed research projects.  Glen led a research program in the Wealth from Waste 3-year Cluster focused on barriers and enablers for metals recycling systems from end-of-life products and industrial waste in Australia. He was also the lead researcher of a multi-year multi-party project that resulted in the development of SUSOP, a sustainability risk management framework for the design and operation of mining and mineral processing operations. From 2011 until 2015, Glen held the position of Development Manager at SUSOP Pty Ltd which was the commercialisation company for SUSOP. SUSOP was the winner of the Institution of Chemical Engineers International Sustainable Technology Award in 2012. Furthermore, he has also led multi-year research projects focussed on practically orientated approaches for realising regional synergies (waste and by-product exchanges) between industrial operations and the development of toolkits for providing systematic methodologies for identifying synergy opportunities. Glen most recently held the positions of Principal Research Fellow at the Sustainable Minerals Institute, as well as Operational Solutions Program Leader for CRC TiME.

Glen is a chemical engineer and was awarded his Bachelor of Engineering degree (First Class Honours) in 1982 and his Master of Engineering Science degree in 1985, both from The University of Queensland. In 1988, he completed a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Cambridge. Glen is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and is a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland. He has also been Chair of the Southern Queensland Branch of The AusIMM, a member of the AusIMM’s Community & Environment Society Committee and currently is Technical Policy Director – IChemE in Australia Board. Glen has been guest editor for special editions of the following journals: Journal of Cleaner Production; Resources, Conservation & Recycling; Minerals; and Sustainability.


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