High Reliability Organisations – Making it Real
10 November 2021 6:00pm–8:00pm

Co-Sponsored by the AusIMM Southern Queensland Branch, AusIMM Health & Safety Society and UQ
In person attendance: 5:30pm for 6pm start
Via Zoom: 6pm start
Register to attend via Zoom
The adoption of the principles of High Reliability Organisational (HRO) theory was a recommendation of the Review of All Fatal Accidents in Queensland Mines and Quarries to reduce the rate of serious accidents and fatalities. So how does one become a high reliability organisation and what does that journey look like? This panel discussion will include a conversation on leadership as one of the primary challenges in creating an HRO and the need to embrace identity leadership to cultivate and promote a sense of shared social identity built around high reliability. A case study will also be presented on one mining company’s journey towards becoming an HRO.
Panel Members

Bobbie is Head of Health, Safety and Environment for BHP Mitsubishi Alliance. She has almost 20 years’ experience leading sustainability improvement in the mining industry, across multiple commodities and jurisdictions. Bobbie is also a current member of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee, and Co-Chairs the Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre Advisory Board at SMI UQ.

40 Isles Road Indooroopilly QLD
Free parking on site
(or via Zoom)
Free parking on site
(or via Zoom)
JKMRC Lecture Theatre