1. Plenary sessions

Plenary 1

Chair: Mark Logsdon


  • 03:40 - Mark Logsdon
  • 06:52 - Plenary session, David Blowes and David Wilson - 'Reactive transport simulation for mine wastes'
  • 33:32 - Plenary session, Jeff Taylor - 'Sulfide oxidation and carbonate neutralisation in mine wastes generates globally significant CO2 emissions.'
  • 56:21 - Q&A discussion

Plenary 2

Chair: David Jones


  • 00:00 - Bob Kleinmann - 'The evolving nature of active, passive and semi-passive mine water treatment technologies
  • 20:13 - Devin Castendyk - 'Are we there yet? A roadmap to improve the accuracy of pit lake predictions'