Assessment of Coal Mining-related Risks to the People, Environment & Economy in the Departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá in Central Colombia

This case study is being conducted as part of the project “Establishing a Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Mining in Bogota”. This project is supported by: the Australian Government through the Council on Latin American Relations (COALAR) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; the Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, University of Los Andes; and the Australian Research Council.

The project is developing the data sets and tools to improve quantitative risk assessment focussing on water quality changes due to coal mining, agriculture and other human influences on the catchments. The case study is also testing the feasibility of applying a new framework for assessing risks to water resources from mining development.

Cundinamarca and Boyacá in Central Colombia


Project members

Professor Neil McIntyre

Professor Neil McIntyre

Group Leader - Regional Water & Land Resources