The project “Norfolk Island Hydrological Assessment” is a component of the larger “Norfolk Island Environmental Assessment” project led by The University of Newcastle. The Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC) has identified the need to undertake an assessment of the Island’s environmental capacity to provide scientific background on land use, hydrology, biodiversity and available technologies for further discussion of long-term population targets.
To support the need for such an assessment, NIRC refers to Objective 2 in their Community Strategic Plan 2016-2026 that growth of the population is linked to the long-term environmental sustainability of the Norfolk Island community. NIRC also cites Item 2.2 in the Delivery Program 2016-2020 that a sustainable Population Policy be developed, implemented and monitored in the 2018-2019 financial year.
Specifically, NIRC has requested that the General Manager, in consultation with the Commonwealth, commence examination of funding options to undertake work as background evidence (on land use, hydrology, biodiversity and available technologies) for discussion of long-term population targets.
NIRC will include the scientific evidence obtained from these assessments in the community engagement program on a long term population target for Norfolk. It will review the Norfolk Island Community Strategic Plan in line with this evidence to bring in a system of planning controls that: a) better reflects ecosystem and population dynamics; and, b) aligns with economic development objectives and community expectations.