From Core to Float: Novel data visualisation techniques for improved predictive capability in flotation
There are many factors and variables that affect the floatability of ore particles. This project aims to determine which factors are the most important for determining whether particles formed from those minerals will separate in a floatation cell, a key unit operation in minerals processing operations.
The project focuses on applying network analysis as a form of data analysis to study the nature of the variables related to pyrite floatability. In particular, how significant correlations between those variables are interconnected, and to study the topology of that correlation network. This will provide insights into subsequent experimental design to explore causal mechanisms of pyrite floatation. The intention is to use these insights to improve the operational efficiency of copper floatation circuits, a key step on the journey to decarbonising minerals processing operations.
Dr Ben Seligmann's presentation at the Resourcing Decarbonisation Showcase 2025